Big Foot. I got to spread some around before giving it to ruffy again. So here I am, spreading some around. Bovine manure. Or did it mean something else? :farm: :huh: Great looking plants and pics. :aok:
Right now im using wiring from keeping the deers and other animals from eating my plants. Does anyone have any other suggestions in what else I could use as well?
They will be happy to munch at the beginning of bloom, I found. Bubble, is most likely spit errors. To kill them. And yeah a great spring / summer so far....
You could probably find something in like the hunting section of Wallyworld, or maybe a Lowes or HD. Or better yet, a gardening store would have something like that. I always used Irish Spring soap. Take a bar and shave pieces off all around your plants.
Nice pics Ruff. I don't know how you got those to grown on the side of that cliff. Bugs are a big issue with everyone this year in central U.S. The relentless flooding caused the salts & minerals to wash away in the top soil. The flood also caused the bugs to over produce and when the drought came along they didn't have anything to eat but our organic gardens. My french poodle loves the crickets I pick out of my garden.
Beautiful girls there Ruffy. There is something called Liquid Fence at Ace Hardware. I think the bottle said keeps out deer, rabbits and other critters.
thaks guys, b.boy im really not on any steep hill. those are just pics of the area of were i go to grow.
thanks t.c i dont really need it this yr, maybe next we will c. & i dont have a ace here in canada. thanks thoe
thanks irish!! im not worried, if they survive the rains, i have 6 weeks left.
freebird11, go easy on the herb lol. i dont know what your talkin about lmfao
so last time out my frikin motor broke on the boat!!! ts been a month with no love! boo. just got back, not dead but stressed and hungry. so a double feed of food & water. some are doing ok, a little slow on buds but shatty weather. some dont even have buds forming yet. oh well out door
Keep your hopes up for results bro! Sucks about not being able to get to them. Sure looks like a beautiful place you live near. BC by chance? Was there months back and was gorgeous.
Keep your hopes up for results bro! Sucks about not being able to get to them. Sure looks like a beautiful place you live near. BC by chance? Was there months back and was gorgeous.
lol @ dman, nope b.c southern interior. its allready 6-10 degs cel @ night, 30 degs in the day. my first out door in 16 yrs. never in b.c. we will see what happens.
i made a good soil mix with food and water retention, 1- 1.5 more months. i go camping on thanksgiving every yr so thats when im taking down the super silver haze, if not just before then
well about 2 weeks behind. its so rainy & cold i pulled them early. they had no bud rot, but alot of mold on the stock moving up the plant. heres some pics and ill see what i get when dry. a ok yr i guess.
i just trimed it all. smells killer. the white widow max is very fruity smelling.