freinds are too cool.
DL, you too mang.:guitar:
What kind of guano was it? There are basically 3 kinds, high N, high P, and PSG (peruvian seabird guano). The PSG would actually be nearly a complete veg fert in a descent soil, high N or high P by themselves might cause problems. I know sometimes it is tough to find stuff, but see how many of these you can get:
dolomitic or oyster shell lime (Ca/Mg PH)
PSG and high P guano, or high N and high P guano (NPK, bacteria, traces)
earthworm casings (N, bacteria, traces)
alfalfa meal (NPK, bacteria, triacontinol, traces)
kelp meal (NPK, hormones, vitamins, traces)
molasses (NK, bacteria food)
azomite or rock phosphate, or epsom plus (Ca/Mg traces)
If you can't get a few of these, we can sub some stuff out. Many times you may have the perfect natural fertilizer right in your backyard, locally here I can get all the eucalyptus leaves I want. You may have alfalfa everywhere in your locale. Stinging nettles or comfrey?
As far as transplanting now, well....if you must. We can transplant her again I guess. It sounds to me since we are starting from scratch (bare components) and not a descent premix, we are gonna have to setup ph. Gonna need lime for that.
Check your local nursery, my hydro shop doesn't have any of this stuff.
Uggg, slightly stoned, hope I didn't forget anything major. My mix is actually getting simpler and simpler lately, and I have a cool new way for you guys to do your fermented teas too. Something really special planned for your guanos. I know 50 litres is about 12 gallons, can someone tell me how many grams in a tablespoon? Thanks, sorry, being lazy this Sunday.