I had to reply, topic title and all.
Quad, these are all good replies, if you feel like going more 'hands on' with your organics, check out my journal...it's an oldie but goodie. :ignore:
I don't want to start a debate, but I'd like to comment on the big bloom. In my opinion, it is not a flower fert, it is actually more of a catalyst. You cannot grow hydro in it alone, and the reason why is it is not really a plant food. Might lose some of you here, but it is food for your soillife, (or benefical fungi, nematodes, and bacteria). It pumps them up and they release the ferts they are holding and get cracking on breaking down more....from your soil, which is the food. Google mycorrhizael fungi or 'soil food web' to learn more.
This is actually the same exact reason molasses is so misunderstood.
Weird, in a way, when I was using it, it kinda was my flower fert...everything else was added in the form of dry ferts before hand.
Checkout TBG's old journal on MG soil and big bloom...the way he used it caused the time release nutes in his soil to be used in time, at the right time (flower)....instead of after the plant is harvested. MJ's lifespan is much shorter than most houseplants.