On a Hermie.....

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On a hermie what shows up first the femal part or the male part or do they show at the same time?

I have 3 low garde plants I am learning on and I think they are all female as I see pistols, but these seeds were from low grade marijuana and I read that usually they came from a hermie then they will be a hermie. I have only one good high grade plant growing too and want to know if the male part shows up after the female part. I will pull them out if they are hermie of course so as to not. pollinate my one good plant.
Did you take clones of your one good one just in case something goes awry? That way you could repeat your good genetics over and over, would be nice if that is your only one. Every hermie I have ever had showed female and then eventually male, but I am certainly not an expert on the subject.
The one good plant was a clone. i am a newbie and thought I read though that you shouldn't clone a clone. This right?
keep an eye on them... They might be ladies after all..
Soon you will know.... ;)
Good luck!
I'm not sure if male plants can hermie... Who would like to keep a male that long :D
I've only dealt with one hermi,, but it showed late in flowering.

With bagseed genetics the chance of going hermi is higher but not all will turn hermi on you!
xmelissa4 said:
The one good plant was a clone. i am a newbie and thought I read though that you shouldn't clone a clone. This right?

You can clone a clone, definitely
a female can hermie anytime up untill about 2 weeks before harvest ,,

also occasionally a male can hermie ,,,i had one a few months back as did tcbud ,,,

and yes you can clone a clone :peace:

ohh and :clap: on the females :48:
Thank you for everyone's input, Guess I will just keep an eye on it.

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