I have neuropathy in my feet and toes...burns at night mostly...but my toes and the balls of my feet, always numb and tingly...
OF8,2RE. Can neuropathy affect your personality? That could explain some things for me, possibly. My feet and half way up my calves are numb always and tingly sometimes. Especially after shopping or taking a walk.
Ah, I misread. I noticed that when I started using wax that my symptoms were becoming better. I also lost a bunch of weight, so I'm sure that helped too. I think the shatter actually helps my nerve issues tho. I could be wrong, but after a few months of a steady regimen (5-6)I have the same but also in my arms and hands. Tingle most of the time now.
Not sure if it can affect personality(I have a list of things to ask my neurologist at Mass General which includes personality change) but for me, I have noticed little things setting me off recently. I have never been a violent man and still am not but only because I can control the anger. I am fortunate I have good impulse control. I can’t feel vibration or hot/cold below my knees. Activity does not affect it. It is constant. I saw an interview on the news with a guy who got his MM card for neuropathy but I know MMJ docs here would use any excuse to give a recommendation back before legalization so I question the efficacy myself. I rarely smoke or eat weed anymore. I get more satisfaction from growing it. I do know I care less about my symptoms when I have a buzz but they are unchanged.