Not a Good Day in Fresno County

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Jul 7, 2009
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just saw this on the web:

FRESNO, Calif. — Federal and state agents have arrested 83 people for growing more than $1.2 billion worth of marijuana in an ongoing crackdown on illegal pot gardens in California's Sierra Nevada range.
Local officials said several Mexican marijuana-growing cartels helped set up the grow sites scattered throughout rocky mountainsides of eastern Fresno County, and warned more arrests were likely as the sweep continues.
More than 318,000 marijuana plants were destroyed in the operation, which also netted nearly $41,000 in cash, 25 weapons and two vehicles, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims said Thursday.
"You can imagine looking from a helicopter down onto a forest, there are a lot of different shades of green. It took some specially trained personnel to spot where the marijuana was growing," Mims said. "We found it planted on hillsides and gullies, and some of the plants had grown to be eight feet tall."
While the bust was large enough to merit a visit Wednesday from Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, it accounts for a small percentage of the pot typically seized in California each year.
Last year, more than 5.2 million plants were uprooted in all federal and state operations that reported seizures to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
"Operation Save Our Sierra" began several months ago, and has involved more than 300 personnel from 17 local, state and federal agencies.
Officials said some of the Mexican citizens arrested in the bust were nabbed in previous years' raids on gardens further south along the mountain range.
Some suspects already have been deported, and others will be prosecuted locally for charges ranging from conspiracy to possess and distribute marijuana to depredation to public lands, Mims said.
Still, officials with the state Department of Justice cautioned that the eradication efforts have touched only a small portion of the marijuana farms and that the damage to the environment can have a lasting impact.
Over the next few weeks, a crew of 40 volunteers will go back to the gardens tucked on remote U.S. Forest Service land and private property to chop down plants, pull out miles of drip lines and pick up trash and toxic chemicals.
"They had pesticides, fertilizers and rat poison in there," Mims said. "And at the bottom of the hillside where our agents found the largest grow, there was a creekbed. The first rain we got, all that would have washed down the creek."
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The Effen Gee said:
That actually sounds like a really good day in Fresno county to me.

Save our Forests.

My my i guess that was rather insensitive of me...was to busy visualizing/agonizing the loss of 300k plants totally blew off the enviro issues

Peace Brah:stuff-1125699181_i_
Well... the forests would have been better off NOT having the DEA come in the forests and raid the fields. I'd be willing to bet wherever there were plants growing, the ground is now flattened like a pancake from all the officers walking over the place. Why would growers be using rat poison anyways... I can only imagine what kind of creatures they hurt with that kind of stuff.
To tell you the truth Im glad to hear it, thease are the type of people that will shoot you if your hiking and stumble upon thier grow.... They give peacefull growers a bad name...
My that most if not all growers in Cali appreciate this. Get a warehouse for Petes' sake and do it right. Quit destroying places that are not yours. Do you think these people care how much of those pesticides,chemicals, and rat poison your smoking due to their greed? I think you should grow, smoke, share, provide, as much as you wan't..'s none of my business......but....please do not hurt people places or things in the process. JMO
The way I look at it the DEA and local law enforcement should of waited til it was time to harvest and then raided the place and then turn it over for Profit to help Cali get out of debt...
They have to clean it all up anyway and let the Drug Cartel know that Cali is going to take over any Drug cartel grow when it time to harvest...

Federal Gov. Needs to Knock out the Marijuana Drug Cartel period and help the MMJ patients..
I have volunteered to help clean up leftover grow sites here in the mountains, lets just say these guy's don't give a crap about ANYTHING.

A lot of the ferts used, are really bad for the environment.

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