Ok my outdoor grow of strains Amnesia and 1024 gave me a cured yield of 1.8 KILOS.. 
After trimming I was left with 400Grams of trim and tiny buds so I decided to have a go, for the FIRST TIME EVER MAKING HASH, to make home made Temple Balls (opium not included) using the bubble bag method with 2 bags lent to my by a friend.
Bag screen sizes: green bag 70 and black bag 25
I didn't have access to a larger screen for filtering the leaf matter so I used a fine sieve instead.
As this was a first time trial I used 200 grams of well dried then frozen trim.
Stage 1
pre mix for Bubble Hash Making.
Add Ice, trim and ice cold water.
Thoroughly blend with electric whisk for 10 to 15 minutes.
wait for bubbles to settle a bit, then carefully scoop as much of the leaf matter into another container with the excess ice trying not to disturb the sunken tricomes..
Filter remaning liquid with sieve. You can omit this stage if you have the larger leaf catching 120 screen bag in your arsenal.. I didn't so the sieve it had to be. ;(
Stage 2
Filtering with the bubble bags
Prepare the bags in a bucket with the smallest screen going in the bucked first, Black 25 followed inside it by the larger bag, Green 97 and if you have it in side the green bag a larger 120 screen bag. As I said I had to use a sieve as I didn't have a 120 bag.
Pour the pre sieved liquid into the filters. I am sieving again to make sure.
Discard the green into the rest of the ice and leaf from earlier scooping. This will be remixed with Ice and Cold water again in a reapeat of the whole process.. in fact I did it 4 times in all.
pull the bag down the outside of the bin so the screen rises up enough for you to scoop out the tricomes. remove the green bag and rinse inside with water the rescoop any more tricomes left over
Do the same with the smaller screen, Black bag
after scooping your rewards onto greaseproof paper.
press down with kitchen paper to remove some of the moisture.
on the left came from the black 25 screen and right 97 screen.
REPEAT ROUTINE ABOVE 3 more times with the discarded leaf matter, more ice and cold water to get more hash making tricomes its worth the effort and time in my opinion
Allow to dry thoroughly sieved minimum (48 hours)
Temple ball making. coming next
End of stage 1 and 2 in Temple Ball making
Originated from my grow journal http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61749
After trimming I was left with 400Grams of trim and tiny buds so I decided to have a go, for the FIRST TIME EVER MAKING HASH, to make home made Temple Balls (opium not included) using the bubble bag method with 2 bags lent to my by a friend.
Bag screen sizes: green bag 70 and black bag 25
I didn't have access to a larger screen for filtering the leaf matter so I used a fine sieve instead.
As this was a first time trial I used 200 grams of well dried then frozen trim.
Stage 1
pre mix for Bubble Hash Making.

Stage 2
Filtering with the bubble bags
Prepare the bags in a bucket with the smallest screen going in the bucked first, Black 25 followed inside it by the larger bag, Green 97 and if you have it in side the green bag a larger 120 screen bag. As I said I had to use a sieve as I didn't have a 120 bag.

REPEAT ROUTINE ABOVE 3 more times with the discarded leaf matter, more ice and cold water to get more hash making tricomes its worth the effort and time in my opinion
Allow to dry thoroughly sieved minimum (48 hours)
Temple ball making. coming next
End of stage 1 and 2 in Temple Ball making
Originated from my grow journal http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61749