new. grower, who wants to see my plants?

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Very ingenious, do they have holes in the bottom I hope for good drainage?
Yeah they do have holes , I'm running on a budget . but any advice for a first time grower?
Just ask any thing you want and we will be glad to help. Looks like they are in a good soil, what are you thinking about feeding and what soil are you in?
There's nothing wrong with mop buckets. There are several folks who use kitty litter buckets to grow in. The 2 most important things I can tell you as a ffirst time grower: Patience is more than a virtue, it is a necessity with growing MJ. Read as much as you can on growing.

Patience is so important because MJ is a very need specific plant that desires exacting conditions to grow good. Sometimes it will do things that will puzzle you until you learn your plants, and the learning curve is long and wide. When issues arise (and they will arise regardless of whether you are a noob or seasoned veteran), don't panic and start throwing things at it. MJ is a very hardy plant that can survive rough conditions. Take your time with finding the solution so that you don't make the problem worse by doing the wrong thing.

Read, read, read. There is no one right way to successfully grow good MJ. There are many different techniques that will do different things. You have to find the method that works best for you and your specific environment. I could give you a tried and true method that could prove disastrous for you, and then you could change a couple things with my method and it work perfectly for you. Or you could try a different method that gives you mediocre to decent results, and then you tweak it some to better fit what you want to do, and find that it is the perfect method. Try to learn as much as you can so that you can recognize the methods and tricks that overlap. Don't get tied down to one method and mindset by not knowing enough. I have been growing successfully for quite some time and am considered to be quite good, but I still learn something that I hadn't considered or experienced all the time from reading what others have experienced.

One extra bit of advice, never be afraid to ask. There is no dumb question except the one that isn't asked :)
Nice babes!

Paint your reflective surfaces flat white :smoke1:

I wouldn't worry about that too much unless it begins happening on higher leaves. Often leaves that are right next to the soil will have discoloration from being splashed with water that has nutrients, or chemicals in the soil get splashed up onto the leaves and cause a little burning. As long as the problem doesn't begin climbing the plant, its not a problem.
Hush, I think you just solved the mystery of the yellow spots on my plant, eureka!

If your doing this well in MG, think what you can do with some really good soil. Looks like you have some nutrition burn at the tip of the leaves and something else going on... Do you have an eye loupe? I use this one: [ame][/ame]

Do I see yellow on the very top?

You have done a good job holly, it only gets better from here.
Congratulations on a nice set of buds. She looks like she is close to harvest time. You need to be checking the trichomes close so that you can harvest at the peak. Do you see how dark green and waxy looking the leaves are? along with the leaf vein yellowing and the necrosis on the leaf tips. All of that is the result off using the MG soil because it has too much of some stuff and not enough of other stuff. But you have made it. For the next go around, you should look into using some soil that is formulated for growing MJ and you will do that much better :)

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