Ok guys, heres the update after speding about two hours at the local hardware store, let me know what you think.
Lighting - There are two ways i can go, there are 4 100 watt cfl lights that put out 1600 lumens a piece. Then there are 6 60 watt cfl lights that put out 900 lumens a piece. If i go that way i am going to build my own lighting fixture and wire them up in a series. Thats the best and creative way to go. Would this be ok for vegetation?
ok option 2 - There is a outside lighting fixture that is a security light. it is an hps light. now, if i take the case off of it and build a reflector for it it would be the same thing. It is only 50 watt however. It does put out 4050 lumens though.
Now, if i used the cfls for vegetation, and then added the hps light in for flowering, would this be a good set up? This was the most logical thing i could come up with after two hours of looking and reading boxes. I hope it shows that im doing my research haha, so ne help from here?
I am starting the cloning process today after i get my lights set up. No use to clone w/o the lights up

. Anyways, The box that theyll be growing in is made of wood and the inside is covered with white paper, evenely so that the light will distribute good. also i have a cpu fan in the bottom with a hole in the box to let air out, and then there is another hole to let air in. Also i have a thermometer set up to tell me the temp so i can regulate the airflow to keep it between 72-80 degrees. Thanks again guys, the help from this forum is amazing and 100%
oh p.s. Ill make sure to get pictures of this crafty set up on here if it all looks good to you guys!