Hi everyone!
Im a new grower and i just wanted to hear what you thought about my set up soo far. Ive read lots of the grow guides on here and i find some of it easy to comprehend and some of it just seems plain complicated. Anyways! As of now i aquired 7 plants from my friend, already grow started. He had them planted outside in the upper penisula or michigan, and if anyone knows about the weather up there, it gets cold..FAST
!!! He had nowhere to grow them so he gave them to me. They are in pretty good shape except after lookin at alot of the pictures on this website, they seem a tad odd. Alot of the growth is at the top, and not soo much towards the bottom. Ill post some pics hopefully tommorow. But as of right now after transplanting them into new soil they are still alive after about two weeks. Just yesterday i started nutirents in them. It is a 10-15-10 fertilizer. Its the closest thing i could find to a 10-10-10. I hope this will work ok, i can get more info on it if neone would like. They are inside a box covered with foil tape. Ive heard good and bad things about this, what do u think? I have a 12 inch flaurescent Grow light mounted at he top, set on a timer for 12 on, 12 off. Also weve been watering them with a quart of water every 3 days with the fertilizer in the water as it instructed. It said to put it in every water. Right now the plants are in the attic and it is a hassle to get to. Well be moving into the basement soon. Does anyone have any advice for a complete Nube. Thanks soo much
Im a new grower and i just wanted to hear what you thought about my set up soo far. Ive read lots of the grow guides on here and i find some of it easy to comprehend and some of it just seems plain complicated. Anyways! As of now i aquired 7 plants from my friend, already grow started. He had them planted outside in the upper penisula or michigan, and if anyone knows about the weather up there, it gets cold..FAST