I'm not trying to fill a whole room. My plants need the co2, not the table, shelf, door, lights, chairs and everything else in the room. Exercise your mind don’t just look at this forum and think this will give you everything you need. Study other subjects and that will spark different ideas, to help you with this. (for example Studying auto mechanics-- It sparked an idea for me to help bring down the temp in my room without the use of fans so I do not need to fill a whole room up with co2--- build a radiator to carry hot air out with the use of water.)(I know you are thinking why go through the trouble -I am not building an actual radiator, just using the same principle --not a lot of trouble) as for the yeast/co2. I have a small tube running through and between my babies, with small holes drilled along the length of the tube. Now as the co2 is being released from the bottle(milk carton, wine bottle) it is being delivered straight to my girls via plastic tubing. So I do not have to fill a 20x20x40x80x100x10 room ; ) as long as I use my fans as less as possible they will get co2. And true they may not get 20,000 ppm but I am not spending 3,000 for a set up. You weigh your options if it is worth it go for it. My small operation is not worth that type of money.
Studies have been done that suggest that talking to your plants promote growth. The reason it helps with growth because as you talk you are releasing co2 that the plant uses. So if my stinking breath can help my babies I’m sure my yeast will be a lot better.
“Exercise the mind not just the body” by moneyman- I think?