Thanks pute.Nice video but we can get a better look using still shots. Plants look great.
ThanksNorm, when I grow up I want to be just like you.....great pictures!
So every year I have a issue with mold with my wedding cakes. I had to chop some off them tonight due to mold. Due you think I should pull them soon?Norm, when I grow up I want to be just like you.....great pictures!
@bigsur51 always has some kind of magical mixture.My advice is, yes.
I think that's what I will do. I will hane to wait like 2 days for the pots to dry up thinking?My advice is, yes.
So true man. Sorry to heat that.Sorry dude! Happens to the best of us. I just wasted tons of time and effort only to have what I thought was a female turns out to be a male dressed in girls clothing. He wanted to join the in the dumpster just l where this idiot should be...