My second grow, please give advice

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thanks mystery, good to hear that it still have a chance. i have 8 babies but i only have 6holes in my tote, so which ever dont look good when its time to be in tote will be thrown away. most likely that plant will b a dude since it went thru major stress?
haha i did that again, left the fan on and went to bed so the rockwool kindda dried up. so the lid is back on now. i got another set of leaves growing out, is it time to put it in hydro system yet? one of the small leaf showing a little yellowing. should i give it some neut now?
Good luck this time around :yay:. I see you got that temp/humidity gauge from Wally World, I use the same one. Just don't rush them and you will be fine.
yea i wont rush them, i just ordered a digital ph/temp meter. hopefully it'll get here in 3-4 days, so ill wait till i get it then put them in hydro system. i barely see any roots on the bottom of the rockwool, some stem is about 3-4inch but barely any root. thanks for the advice ngt
i got 4 babies that are in really bad shape due to dry rockwool, what can i do to save them? should i give those plant a small amount of neut? or tiny dose of superthrive? my babies are only 1week 6days old. thanks in advance


Just keep the rockwool moist and wait until you see the tap root poke through before transplanting. No nutes yet, I would wait until they have second set of leaves or the little rounded leaves turn yellow. This is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions, some are like buttholes everybodies got one and some of 'em stink. :)
here are the root system, 3 have nice system going on but the rest are barely showing and couple of my babies roots look brownish






alot of my leaves are yellowing, some even dried out, i havnt given them any neuts yet, it started when i accidentally left the fan running too long. it got worse since then. o sorry bout all the pics.









i read somewher that u have to transplant them from rockwool as soon as u see any root action goin on...or am i wrong?!

..its to early to start nutes..the plant should be atleast 3 weeks old..

good luck.
Hey Tru...I'm not sure what you are trying to do. Hydro needs nutes very early. Like within the first 10 days I think. Later.
im jus trying to grow mj, lol. i ask for advice, ill do what anyone tell me. when to neut or anything. stoneybud told me no neut yet whatsoever. and someone told me neut when broad leaf turn yellow. but some say its too early for neut. and some also say wait till theres a root system going on then transplant to hydro system. some have root system some only have couple roots poking thru rockwool. im woundering if i can put em all in hydro system now and give it some mh lights. well im germing 3 more bagseeds to replace the dying looking plants. i guess my gj is really lame, sb and others havnt reply to any of my questions. any help any advice anything will be appreciated. thanks in advance!
Once the roots start showing it is time to place them in your hydro unit. As for nutes I would try 1/8 strength until they get a little bigger. Sorry for the loss but you will get the hang of it soon enough.
TruTHC said:
im jus trying to grow mj, lol. i ask for advice, ill do what anyone tell me.

The thing is Tru you are the one that is there, we aren't. You can ask 10 people the same question and you will get 10 IMHO's. It definately sounds like you need nutes. Also, read more and simplify your grow. These are weeds and they have to grow if they are put in the right conditions. Later.
I assume your growing in a hydro setup. Hydro or dirt you have to get those plants into some sort of medium. If roots are showing through the bottom of the rockwool then they need to go into a system. If you're going hydro, and it seems as if you're following stoney's setup, start with a light nute mix like 1/4 strength of what ever the week 1 schedule is.
The one with the most roots showing is just ready to go into hydro. The one with the second most should probably be ready now... And well with the others, too soon to tell... Keep it going and remember its not brain surgery... ;)
i count 6 with the roots showing. They're just all brown and stuck to the rockwool. The longer the roots are explosed that like the more dead plants you'll have.
theyorker said:
The thing is Tru you are the one that is there, we aren't. You can ask 10 people the same question and you will get 10 IMHO's. It definately sounds like you need nutes. Also, read more and simplify your grow. These are weeds and they have to grow if they are put in the right conditions. Later.

You hit the nail on the head! Bam! ;)
TruTHC said:
stoneybud told me no neut yet whatsoever. im woundering if i can put em all in hydro system now and give it some mh lights.
Sorry man, I've missed your posts. I try to get to all the new posts, but sometimes life gets in the way and I just don't have the time.

No, no nutes while they're in the rockwool cubes only.

Yes, they are all ready to put into the hydro system as soon as the roots show outside the rockwool.

Once you have them in the system, give them 1/8 stength nutes until you see how well they handle them. If they perk up and grow nice, wait to increase it until they have about 4 nodes. Then go to 1/4 strength.

The nute strength depends a lot on the type of nutes, the strain of the plant and the type of system you use. Too strong will kill them fast.

Work up to a full strength mix.

The lack of nutes didn't kill the babies man. Lack of water did. They dried out from the fan prolly.

Good luck man.

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