The cabinet about I am growing in (50" tall x 54" wide by 26" deep) has a side for vegging, another for blooming. Both have
DWC setups with pump driven drip feeds to each plant for flushing.
Veg tub is 3-gal, with an ELITE 799 airpump and 2 12" airstones, and is lit 18/6 by a 125 watt fluorescent, self-ballasted grow lamp.
Bloom tub has 12 places for 3 inch pots in a 10-gal tub, with an ELITE 802 pumping 4 12" stones. During a power outage I put 3 more airpumps with a total of 4 6" stones in and just left them.The light is a 400 watt HPS set for 12/12. I have been looking at the bloom side & thinking I might add some more light, but my money has to catch up to my techno-lust for that to happen.
There is
a CO2 Regulator and internal control that releases on a timer but the goofy beer brew place I went to only had lame 5 lb tanks, so I put one on & it is out already & I haven't hooked it up again yet.
The nutes and stuff are: Advanced SensiGrow A & B; SensiBloom A & B; Voodoo Juice (roots); Advanced VitaBoost; Dr. Hornby's BigBud, Carboload, and Tarantula, and Overdrive. I have pH at 5.6 (I know, higher is recommended depending on what you read) which I monitor with an OAKTON Waterproof pH tester & adjust with a liquid pH "down" product made for aquariums.
The clones were razored off at a 45 degree angle, dunked in CLONE IT gel, and (because I'm an optimist) popped into 4" rockwool pre-soaked in a weak solution of the veg nutrients. 4 are a week old, and 2 (from the biggest plants in bloom, GREENHOUSE strains) were popped in yesterday. They are under a dome, misted maybe twice a day. So far so good.