My first grow...

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Personally, I would break out the nair on that bush. :D

Oh and RBB, you should put IMG tags on your sig.
good sign man, healthy plant = healthy buds:D :stuff-1125699181_i_
Yeah I suppose. More leaves also = more stuff to make hash with. :D.
well I ****** up. Went home for the weekend and knew before I left that my soil would dry out before I got back to rewater, and it did :(. I came back and my plant had a ton of shrivled up leaves and crap and I'm pissed at myself :(. Oh well I guess. The plan isn't dead but it isn't doing great either. I'll post pics of it next week if it recovers :(. This totally sucks and it is all because I didn't have big enough pots to support the plants size and to make up for it I had to water twice a day because the plant would use up all the water.

On a happier side note though I got some larger pots from home for my next grow :).
Draston said:
well I ****** up. Went home for the weekend and knew before I left that my soil would dry out before I got back to rewater, and it did :(. I came back and my plant had a ton of shrivled up leaves and crap and I'm pissed at myself :(. Oh well I guess. The plan isn't dead but it isn't doing great either. I'll post pics of it next week if it recovers :(. This totally sucks and it is all because I didn't have big enough pots to support the plants size and to make up for it I had to water twice a day because the plant would use up all the water.

On a happier side note though I got some larger pots from home for my next grow :).
how far along flower have you gone? give em water and see what happens, that`s your best bet "IMO":) :)you could use a watering system, which will continually put drops of water to your gal, if you go away on another holiday this "drip system" will keep your ladies fine and alive until your return. it`s so easy to do man, this drip system.
if you want to know about this shoot me a pm.
I'm pretty far into flowering. I just finished week 6 so I mean its not all that bad. I'm working on week 7 now. I'm still going to finish flowering (maybe add a week) because I figure its going to take a week to recover from this stess I just put on it. Either way I still got a decent amount of bud on the plant right now.
well it was super healthy.... The plant looks like complete crap now :(.
Draston said:
well it was super healthy.... The plant looks like complete crap now :(.
is it just the fan leaves, or do the buds look crap?:holysheep: :stuff-1125699181_i_ :hairpull:
how many days did you go on holiday for?
I was gone for 2 days and its only the leaves. I'm going to go ahead and let it finish flowering anyways though. The bud still looks fine so thats good I guess.
Draston said:
I was gone for 2 days and its only the leaves. I'm going to go ahead and let it finish flowering anyways though. The bud still looks fine so thats good I guess.
yellowing leaves are a common sight at the end of flower, as it becomes "N" defficient". most growers will allow there bud to become "N" defficiant
at the end of flower.
2 days should not make much difference in your final yeild, considering.
i`d flush and wait, and grow it out.:spit: cheers,lol
:lama: :bong2: :fly: :fly:
no the leaves did not just yellow... I didn't water it in 2 days and to make the plant normal because of the small pot it was in I had to water twice a day.... so basically I missed 3 or so waterings....
theyre resiliant man.. dont worry bout it .. if your bud looks fine then yer good to go :) no harm done im quite sure.. just wait it out, im sure youll be burning it in no time
Hey, when you harvest that lady, don't cut her all the way down. Leave some green bits down low on her and put her back into veg (24/7 or whatever you used for vegging). Then clone her to be sure to get females. There are some good threads for revegging if you want to look for more info on that. At the very least, you can reveg, transplant and throw her back into blooming and get a second harvest from your girl. Not quite as good as having those five boys back and transgendered, but it still helps! Some people will even swear that the second harvest is even better than the first!
yeah, I know the plant is fine, its just majorly damaged right now. After last night and I watered it and then I watered it today, its looking better, but by no means is it fine right now. I'll give it a week to recover and then once flowering is done 2 weeks later I'll see if it needs another week for flowering because of the stunt or not.

Oh and boo I bought some white widow and purple widow seeds of of dr chronics site so I'm doing my next grow with those. I'll be starting that grow journal here soon as I'm almost finished with my very first grow. This was an experiment of sorts. I learned a lot from growing this one female and I know what to do and what NOT to do next grow. I got some bigger pots from my mom when I went home this weekend (6 of them) and I'm going to stick a wal mart bag in them later today and fill them with water and see how many gallons they are. I'm pretty sure the ones I have right now are 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons, which are WAAAAY tooo small. I think these new ones are 3 gallons. I'm going to give them a try since they were free.
Have I suggested a passive hydro grow to you? I know I mentioned it to many people. Maybe you're one of them. Passive hydro can be almost as easy as soil grow with significantly better results! Got two clones side by side: one in perlite and one in soil. The perlite is doing so much better. Granted, the one in soil I only water once or twice a week and the one in perlite needs to be watered every day. Of course it sounds like you do that anyway.
eh, I kind of want to keep it simple. Hydro start costs are high with the pumps and whatnot. I can spend like 12 bucks at wal mart and have enough soil to last me a grow and have some left over. I have a quarter of a bag still sitting on my back porch.
But you don't need pumps and what not. Pick up a bag of perlite and it costs more or less the same as soil. Then just fill your pots with perlite instead of soil. Many people are suffering under the misconception that hydro has to invlove tubes and pumps and resevors. It doesn't! The only real difference is you'll need to feed them every time you water. you can probably even use the same nutes you've been using for soil. Try it. Plant one of your babies in perlite and the rest in soil. I promise with only that little more effort you will see significant results!

Hydro can be extrmely complicated, but it doesn't need to be. Seriously, I really have no idea why people don't jsut all grow in a hydro medium instead of soil! It really isn't any more difficult! At this point, I find it easier since I don't need to worry about over watering/feeding them this way!
I want to see pics!!

This should be NO big deal and will pull out of it by the middle of the week, man. Don't stress. She'll bounce back with no effects.

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