Multiple Birthdays today

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One Toke Over The Line
Jan 18, 2020
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Here, been banned everywhere else
Our good friends Hopper and Stain are celebrating their Birthcay's today. I will smoke one in your honor guys. Lets all join in and wish them a Happy B-Day on their special day.

So Hopper, what did you get for your off, bj, raise, covid shot..... what??
I got to stay alive. We had a 100 car pile up in Ft Worth today. Google it. It was only a few miles from where i been working.😳
I seen 8 wrecks on my way to work. I been driving in that kinda shit all my life,,i know ice and respect it. If you dont your screwed. Snow is easy to drive in.
Happy birthday fellow February guys!!!
On a side note how does 100 cars pile into one big ass accident. I know my weed is good but I really want what these stupid are smoking...
Happy B-Day Buddy. Put your b day on your profile page and I will post it next year.

Damm, color me Impressed....

Besides making snide remarks from your elevated moderator throne,

you actually do - actual work - by tracking B-days and posting them..


lets summarize

I know you:

1) Trim herb, Herb,
2) Post Birthdays,

and I assume you


That makes you TTT

Triple Threat Trifecta Man!!

SMOKE em if ya GOTTUM!!!
On a side note how does 100 cars pile into one big ass accident. I know my weed is good but I really want what these stupid are smoking...

Many moons ago,

I was heading to my fishing camp (a.k.a. CampNutty) in upstate NY for a Steelhead Fishing Trip on a Lake Ontario trib.

Heading up I81 North - about 10 miles south of Syracuse,
Cold February day - snow sleet, freezing rain..
I could tell that the road surface was going to chit, and slowed down accordingly- as did all the traffic behind me. I was "lead dog" in a long vehicle caravan.

As I approached the overpass, I can see that the bridge surface was an ice skating rink -all shined up with black ice. I was doing 40 mph and intended to “coast” across that overpass.

All of a sudden – a station wagon with an Ass-wipe at the wheel – breaks from the single file caravan behind me – and is now in left lane – approaching to pass me (I was watching this in my rear view mirror) – as I white knuckled the steering wheel to keep my vehicle straight & stable on the icy bridge.

In the blink of an eye - As Swipe was on my rear corner panel,- I was watching via my drover'ssidee mirror. I was looking ahead, I was looking at my rear-view mirror – several semi trucks are now in left lane -appeared they are going to follow Ass-wipes lead to start passing traffic.

I saw Ass-Wipe fishtail his car (most likely die to accelerating on black ice!!!

His car kicked out – slamming the bridge abutment like a pinball machine, then spun 360 and slammed bridge abutment again.. Then – I saw the first semi – jack knifing, and a second semi, slamming into the Ass-wipe's car, and so on and so on. I was watching a multi vehicle pileup in motion..

The trippy part was – I saw it all in my rear view mirror!!
I thought I was watching an Alfred Hitchcock Movie.

I continued to hold steering wheel straight and coasted to end of overpass.. The bridge behind was clogged by wrecked vehicles piling up!! It was like watching a movie..

I slowed to about 10 mph, called 911, and reported the accident with injuries.. The 911 operator asked if I stopped to assist.

I explained HELL NO. I ain’t getting out of my vehicle to possibly get killed by out of control vehicles- after explaining what transpired & the fact I watched via rear-view mirror.

A couple hours later I arrive at camp, get settled in and turn on radio.

The newscast came on – reporting a 45 car pileup on Interstate 81 north near Syracuse.

5 dead. Tragic accident blamed on black ice.

Moral to this story:
1) You never know when your # is up. If I was a few cars back in line, I would have been caught up in the accident and possibly killed.

2) Ass-Wipe missed taking me out by 1 – 2 feet. What a freaking Ass-Wipe. Never knew if he died in the accident he caused, but I shed no tears because the MoFo tried to kill me via impatient stupidity.

3) The news station talking head explained the accident was caused by black ice.. NOT – The accident was caused by an Ass-Wipe going too fast for conditions.



SMOKE em if ya GOTTUM.
Thats exactly what happened here. Fking morons in cars and idiots driving big rigs acting like fools. I drove the same highways but i know and respect ice,,especially bridges. I could feel my truck trying to loose traction on the highway and especially on the bridges so i drove accordingly. I seen 8 wrecks before i managed to get to Ft Worth to the office i was going too. That wreck happened just a few miles from me. Those 18 wheelers were driving way to fking fast. Watch the video and you will see. Fking assholes.
I once was driving on a cold winters day and drove under an overpass, at that same time a Giant Big Azzed Icicle fell off the pass.
It missed me by inches and I survived to tell the story.

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