Thanks wake...popN beans?...nice setup..have you ran it for a week or so to "test" it all?..Just the booster fan that loud you have to insulate it in a box?..thanks for shareing with us my friend
dude that isn't a booster fan... it's a 6 inch centrifugal sealed fan made by sunleaves. It moves 440 cfm , and yes it's loud.I wish I could silence it more but i can't . A few egg crates and i can make sure that no sounds leaves the area. Anyways, i will get to that later. for now, the fans will run on a timer.
Test it for a week? More like test it for a few hours and if it works, the beans are getting popped tomorrow. This isn't my first rodeo Only thing i am missing is a temp/ humidity gauge and .........a little more work and it should be fine. The flower room will get tested tomorrow night for a few hours and then shut down until i get some plants ready to go. Starting this grow from seed so it may get slow for a bit. BUt new seedlings are always exciting.
For the person who wanted to know if this grow is going to be organic. Yes it is, I just googled my nutes and they are organic. Maybe not 100% as i can't get a confirmation on it but they look real similar to my old metanaturals nutrients. ANyways I am using GH FLORA NOVA BLOOM for all phases of growth.
Why did you insulate the fan & why is there a card board box with the intake fan inside I was just wondering because I getting close to building my indoor grow room. Thanks
I have two fan controllers , but for the fans to run the quietest they must be running at full go. Honestly it 's just the wind noise that's a prob ... it's cool, i will be able to deaden the sound eventually.. and besides my lights run during the day, and there isn't anyone here then so noise isn't as big a prob as i thought.
I should of went with elicients but i couldn't see spending all that extra cash... now i can tell why those other fans are so expensive. THese still move the air but are just louder. It's cool , some egg crates or some eggfoam from wally world and the noise will be cut in half again which will be enough to make it un noticeable. I will test the room tonight. ANyways... i am taking a break today and wont be doing much but getting the veg box in the room and hooking all the cords up and testing.
the rooms are all done... temps didn't break 80 after an hour. 198k lumens...... 3x3 tent small veg box, and no heat issues. Room is also pretty quiet too. Fans will have to run during the lights on cycle though, otherwise the temps could get out of control.
There is no reason to use grow and bloom, if the nutrient you are using is a complete nutrient. Meaning that it provides everything your plants need throughout the grow. The flora nova bloom is 4-8-7 and is complete with micronutes.
There is no reason to use the grow formula. Cannabis just needs a complete nutrient. Using the 4-8-7 flora nova bloom is perfect for veg also as the plants really don't need that much N. Especially with the mix i use. With composted manure and earthworm castings they won't need loads of nutrients . As with most organic mixes.
Why buy two nutrients when one will do?
Oh by the way. I started seeds tonight. All in germ starting about 2 hours ago. 16 seeds total,
I started
Some mandala seeds
BC sweet tooth
Romulan x Dragon's breath
Afghanica x dragon's breath
Direwulf's Dragon's breath x blue buddah
and i believe that's it.