The tricks to keeping a Host plant healthy and alive with a steady supply of cuttings:
With your 4 ft limit, you'll want to use a low profiled container like a Rubbermaid tub. Use one that will hold about one cubic foot of a real good soil mix.
Using the 30% rule of trimming, (never, never, never take more than 1/3 of the available tops off at once), trim the bush while it grows by taking the tops off in one week intervals.
When the plant has alternating branching, top the plant, one branch at a time, one week apart. Two branches will grow from each cut off branch node.
As the plant grows, trim it slightly taller each time until the plant is EXACTLY 4 inches shorter than when you take clones. Put a plastic tie at that level on each branch. Every time any branch gets to the height for cloning, you HAVE to take the clone off, even if you aren't ready for it. Just trash the clone if you have to.
This will keep the Host plant at the exact height you want it to be, and it'll stay very neat and shaped. Remember, you're only trimming 1/3 of the tops each week, cutting them back to the place you marked with plastic ties. That should be giving you a bunch of clones each week. My last Host plant had more than 120 tops. I trimmed 40 each week. Most were just put on my hash oil pile to dry.
I use a nutrient made by General Hydroponics called "Flora Series" for my Host plants in dirt. I use a 1/8th strength mix.
If you follow these instructions closely, you can have about 40-50 clones every single week. Way more than you'll ever use.
The Host plant will stay trimmed and healthy.
I also keep my double 125 watt flos a little higher than I would with a weed crop, to purposely make the plant stretch a little. Nice lanky clones are the best. You trim off all but the top leaves on it and root the bottom 2 inches of the 4 inch clone.
I've done this with literally thousands of clones. The process works great.
I've attached a pic of a small Host plant. Notice how the tallest tops are ready to take for clones.
Good luck to you!