Misty mountain hop.

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I think I may have to enter the bud O' the month contest,for my ladies are filling out nicely, as they peak out of control :D I went up this morning,but I forgot my camera. I will make a special trip later this eve before the sun goes out..stay cool
Hey guys,
I went back up today.I was up earlier in the day,I had to retreat due to an impending storm.I came back late this afternoon to find some of my girls had been toppled again with numerous broken branches :( I repaired them as best I could with what I had (fishing line). I then secured them much better with some large boulders.I did'nt realize how top heavy those enormous buds made my girls,since they are in very large pots.At least if the bud on the branches don't spring back,they are almost done and can se used successfully:rolleyes: I am including some pics,plus the *** of the stormfront that assaulted my hoes:p Stay cool everybody :D












:ignore: Hey,
After the misfortunate event yesterday,I went back and wrapped the damaged limbs up good.I used some rooting hormone and wet shredded t-shirt.They looked healthy except for one small branch on the bottom,which I harvested and trimmed.My wife tested out a nice sample today that I cut about a week ago.She gave two green thumbs WAY UP:hubba: I have a couple pics today,nothing spectacular due to a whirly bird being a pest above.The first pic is the whirly bird in the distance after it left the area (look close,little black dot in the clouds. STAY GREEEN:ignore: :p






:watchplant: I was up the other day to discover the beginings of a major mold problem.Last week my plants endured heavy wind and rain.They were toppled over and were allowed to sit on their sides until I returned (a couple of days).The time they were down allowed for dark moist conditions thus spawning the spores that were attached :(It is still quite windy up top,and I have secured the last of the mohicans.The buds I harvested are heavily crystalized,but they could have gone longer.I have harvested three of my largest plants.My quick decision to clip and dry was a wise one.I may have only lost about a 1/4 oz to the mold.I was spraying with a fungicide,but this proves that sone life forms are to tough to beat.Had I decided to go back later it would have been a disaster:hubba: I will take some pics of the harvest,and my remaining plants at another time.It is getting chilly around here so I will be making moves more frequently until the end of days for my ladies:eek: Stay cool,and watch your buds.
Here is what some of what I got,what I could fit in the photo anyway:hubba:I had a staggered harvest due to mold threats,frost warnings & helis.So I still have some hanging and in bags curing. I did'nt weigh what I have dried yet.I did weigh the hash,I got just under an ounce of hash.I still have alot of iso-hash to make,nothing goes to waste :D I don't use bubble bags to make the hash,I have another method.My method allows for the capture of the full trichome leaving the broken stalks and heads in the water,I then take that water,put it onto the stove and make hash butter.My method works great,I refuse to pay 250$ bucks for a nylon bag with screen at the bottom:p My wife likes the butter on corn muffins :D Stay cool

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Thanks for all your comments and support throughout this past season :D and to whoever posts after this post :D you are a great inspiration stay safe :D
PS- this was all done for my wife only,this crop will last her a long time.I sell nothing and usually give it away,or trade.This is how it should be.To me,it is just another back yard commodity :D Arresting responsible marijuana users is a waste of our money...
I only hope the stuff you have in Jars already is dried down enough. If the stem won't snap on its own it ain't ready. Nice harvest mang.;)
SFC said:
I only hope the stuff you have in Jars already is dried down enough. If the stem won't snap on its own it ain't ready. Nice harvest mang.;)

The stuff in the jar is being cured properly. Don't let the the freshly chopped stuff on table throw you off :D I harvested some early strains and have a superb curing method,which allows for a smooth slow burn;) The rest in the tupperware is also being cured to my specs.The tupperware contains WW and the jars have NL.The hash is a mix between the two.I have seeded arjans haze buds(a gift from my lil sis) chrystal,NL,WW now hanging up.. The AJ haze was grown indoors,and flowered 14 weeks it is so sticky it seems to be dipped in honey. I wish I could smoke some :(
hello FN. been a good thread, and a great grow. thank you for sharing it with us all. look toward seeing more from you in the future. i'm tokin' on some ww i recently harvested. it is a fave. i'm sure the wife will enjoy. bb...

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