Mismatched Nutrients?

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Jul 3, 2007
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So I went to my local Hydroponics shop in search of some of the much praised and coveted fox farms fertilizers. I have yet to see a negative review about them, naturally I went to buy some. I found the bigbloom and tigerbloom without issue, but seemingly they were out of GrowBig. Instead I purchased the "Humboldt Nutrients: Grow" along with the tigerbloom from fox farms. I know these companies design these complete nutrient programs to be used together, and I wonder if I made a mistake my mismatching? Not to mention, I looked up Humboldt Nutrients and found very inconsisten reviews, some very good, some very bad. I also plan on adding molasses later on during flowering and some micronutrients throughout both stages. Does anyone for any reason think this will not help my plants thrive to their fullest? ALSO: Humbold Nutrients is VERY vague about feeding amounts, anyone used them before or have helpful advice? I also read to istart them with only 1/4 to 1/2 of the reccomended dose for the first few weeks as not to nut burn them. Is this advisable? Thank you, for your time, and hopefully your advice

Peace & Love to all,
Ms. Puff

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