Mirrors vs mylar

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Aug 1, 2007
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I realize that cost between mirrors and mylar is quite a big difference, but if cost were not an issue which would be the better reflective surface?
DLtoker said:
Mirrors absorb light brohme. ;)

What I was told was mirrors reflect light and mylar, white paint ect. refract light.

Refracted light is better than reflected light.
Do a search of the forum. Someone posted all of the figures a while ago of the reflective qualities of different materials. Mirrors were much less than mylar or flat white paint.
DLtoker said:
Do a search of the forum. Someone posted all of the figures a while ago of the reflective qualities of different materials. Mirrors were much less than mylar or flat white paint.

Here is a very interesting read on mirrors, http://www.jmloptical.com/level2/ProductInfo/mirrors_info.aspx

Mirrors can be made very differently depending on all kinds of factors I was not aware of, some reaching 99.9 refectivity.

It seems there are all kinds of mirrors.

But like all have said mirrors are no good for the grow.

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