Anyone ever give this a try?
I realize it would be expensive to line a room with, but it’s a high visibility, reflective mylar.
Both work. What didn't you like about the mylar Hopper?
I'm thinking you may want to figure out why your plant looks so unhappy before I got busy lining the tent with 8" strips...white paint works so much better and it's far easier...
I bought mylar emergency blankets from ebay, 12 pack for dirt cheap. My room is 4x8x7 stick framing so I just put a square of aluminum duct tape everywhere I staple them so they don't rip. They are thhiiiiiiinnnnn!
The only drawback is they are not completely light-blocking so I had to put a tarp over the tent to block out all light
I agree. I watched a test from MIGRO on YouTube on white walls vs. Mylar using a par meter. Had I seen that video prior I would of just painted white because it would if been a lot less hassle. I have a layer of fiberglass sheet up as well so it would I've been just as easy to paint them white spray can, probably would have blocked off a lot more lightI used the same stuff to cover my, ahem, flat white walls. I really liked it until I read this thread and learned my existing white walls would have been just as effective.