I be usein that there styrofoam insulation product with the foil side be like tin foil only stuck to styrofoam and be bout the best thing goin ifin yual want cheap ways to set up reckon does well by me. Good luck your travels pilgrem
One of the things we learn is that just because we think something looks like it reflects light well, it may not. For example, foil is not a good reflector of light, although it resembles mylar. Flat white paint reflects far better than semi-gloss or gloss, although Panda appears glossy like glossy paint.
Thanks for the reply`s everyone...i reckoned there was a good reason mirrors weren`t mentioned...and flat white paint, i would have bet my last buck, that glossy would reflect better...
Thanks for the reply`s everyone...i reckoned there was a good reason mirrors weren`t mentioned...and flat white paint, i would have bet my last buck, that glossy would reflect better...