Roddy, I live in California. The Hippy Dippy State that started this Medical Marijuana thang, now 15 years ago. There is still NOT ONE Dispensary in my county. There is still a Moritorium on them. The supervisors have, I think, 10 more months before they actually have to make a decision as to how many or where they are gonna be (hope you dont have to wait 15 years). The Supervisors are still trying to decide how many plants can be grown on private property, the whole "care giver" (really means growing for those not present) issue is up in the air. The next county over is just now been getting some decent dispensary's in the last few years. So all of California does not have these issues settled yet either, agian, 15 years after the Medical Marijuana Proposition was passed.
No change happens overnight. Most people think change is bad. Combine that change with "drugs are bad attitude" and change may be like a mule that dont want to move. Take enough time, hit it hard enough, that mule will move. (Please PITA people, it was just an example, from an old mule wrangler)
I am sure Michigan is gonna be fine in time. Who knows, if it is legalized as most smokers want, all this "Medical MJ" stuff will be moot. We all hope for that will happen, the sooner the better.
Just my little old 2 cents.