im still in waitng on seeds or now i may add a clone or both but count me in forsure.PS i alpeady got my med bottle.4u2sm0ke said:a few people have asked about clones..I say if you can fit one it there and want to play around..then do it..I think it would be harder..but hell cloneing itself is yeroc1982.. you just open the play ground for clones to play a long I want to see this..please post pics in here okay? and Have fun
PurpleSkunk said:lol so i crammed a clone in a med container i'm puting her on 12/12 hope she makes it lol.
i will put a caliorange/stoneybud seed my breed lol when they pop if they pop lol good growing.PS
Thorn said:ok so i think i found something...sorry the grandparents don't live near by and well the ones i have left take so many meds that using a box like that would not be fair on you guys hehe jus kiddin'... my mum just finished a course of antibiotics so asked her if i could have the empty bottle...its bigger than a lighter but is about all I can find - I been all through the meds cupboard trying not to look too inconspicuous lol. will ask the boyfriend which strain he wants to pop in it (no bagseeds here - hell no weed lol) and get it I allowed to germinate it before I pop it in? Hope everyone ok
canibanol cannonball said:
yes she has a nice root system if she lives i may need to make a stand to hold her up lol.PS4u2sm0ke said::holysheep: ....:rofl: ....thats what Im talking about. did it have roots allready..that things going to fall over in a week HIGH on weed
PurpleSkunk said:yes she has a nice root system if she lives i may need to make a stand to hold her up lol.PS
4u2sm0ke said:can can...That thing is takeing off man...I bet you did leave Birth control pills in there HUH?
and nice shot by the way..
canibanol cannonball said:i think its cause its on 12/12. Ive left GG under 18/6 and shes growin slower.
Papa - I want pics! Welcome aboard