To me this was an easy plant to grow, perfect for anyone beginner through seasoned. The gr/m2 i didn't get to try cause i kept them short(flowered at 1 ft) but i did pull just over 3 oz off of a 3ft plant so i was happy to say the least. the smell while growing is hard to explain but the words are there to me it smelled like curry and molas-ses, very pungent yet sweet,even the same when dry, you break apart a good nug and it just pounds you in the nostrils. No real taste to speak of but then again m a smoker too and my sense of taste is gone, i doubt if i would have smelled it either if it wasn't so strong. The high is crazy, reminds me of a good roller coaster, climbs up the first hill hits you hard and then whoosh your hanging on for what seems like forever till suddenly you come out of the tunnel and the ride is over, then you get back in line to do it again

for real it has been a good 2 hours and longer (tonights has hung on for almost 4) many times now that Ive sat back after a few bong (3-4) tokes of this and just not even noticed the time go

Great if your planning on smoking and doing something, and perfect if your going to smoke and relax or sleep. Ive talked enough the stuff from the breeder says it all and i oh so strongly concur