I started a couple plants over the winter just for something to do... I think I have 2 males (pic). Will they flower and get buds or are they worthless?
They are already flowering Those are some seriously small buds though I hope you don't have them anywhere near your flowering females. Unless you want more seeds. Males are only good for making new seeds and screwing up some good sensamilla.
you might want to read up on it, try greg green's cannabis grow bible. easy read and in layman's terms, imo. males dont bud unless they're herms, and you def. don,t want that. peace
Good eye WeedHopper That is metal duct pulled open
Dude, you are better off to remove that from any plants and use the white walls. You will get better light reflection from white walls or mylar or Panda film.
what's the strain---males are needed to grow seed---IMO you might cut it back---remove all the pollen sacks and put it back into veg til you get some good females to cross with---after my males have preformed their duty to preserve the strain---the compost pile they go
Thanks for the info. You guys pretty much nailed it, good experiment, lots of mistakes made. Will try again and hopefully luck will be on my side and get the girls!
Just keep reading Bro,,yuo will get it. Shoulda seen my 1st setup. It was truly Pathetic.
THG, Andy52,,and several others input got me on the right track. Like I said,,Read Read Read.:icon_smile:
One thing I will tell ya is,,,FLAT WHITE PAINT is a VERY good refelctive,,and easy to apply and keep clean.
seriously try smoking their male flowers i bet you will get high both plants will make maybe one joint. they do have some thc in them (i have tried it) lol