Making clones like a newbie

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i only cut tips if the leaves are heavy enough to bend them over or spacing is an issue
Orange dude your girls are looking healthy green mojo for you. Thanks for sharing
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Should I cut the tips?
Keep the top on or off?

No, do not cut the tips.

Cock the top a bit and cut down on the misting to start to harden them off. I mean, mist, then set the top on a bit crooked to let air in. Then, the next day, take it off for a few hours and put it back on crooked.

I very seldom use a top or mist after the first 3 days, but if they aren't wilted there isn't much to worry about. Where I live now, the humidity can go from less than 10% to 100% in 24 hrs. Did just that a few days ago and it makes things *interesting*.

Be that as it may, the clone I've been running for over 5 years now seldom roots in less than 3 weeks and sometimes over a month. Used to worry me, but now just take it in stride and go by the 'not wilted' yardstick.

Rose summed it up perfectly a few years back, but I can't remember the exact quote. Something like, 'First it looks good, then not so good, then it looks terrible, then it roots'. Described the whole process to a T.

Some people have really good results with RW, I'm not one of those people :)

Hey Multi, how long does it take you to root them in the bag like that? do you put them in the fridge where its cold?
You may want to change your approach to taking and maintaining cuttings if they look "terrible" before they root

I was paraphrasing a quote from Rose. But, yeah, they can look a bit gnarly right at root pop. I think they are drawing nutrients out of the leaves to form roots. The uppermost leaves and growth still looks good though.

Same approach has worked well since 1992.

I :heart: RW also.

All I had for cloning was 2 pages+1 column of text and 2 pics from the 1988/89 SSSC catalog for clone instruction. 3"x3"x3" was the smallest cubes back then, 4 cuts/cube. That and Clonex Gel and solution. There was no internet, at least for me at the time. But, the instructions were very concise, even to sprinkling perlite so the cube wouldn't suck itself tight to the surface of the tray. There were no grooves cut in the RW then either. Trial and error, but if you followed the directions it was pretty straightforward. Pretty much the same as today, but easier now with the nice starter cubes.

Done peat pucks and straight into used mix, also with good results, but I always keep a supply of the 1 1/2x1 1/2 starter cubes and Clonex handy. It will always be my fall back, must have, cloning method.

No, do not cut the tips.

Cock the top a bit and cut down on the misting to start to harden them off. I mean, mist, then set the top on a bit crooked to let air in. Then, the next day, take it off for a few hours and put it back on crooked.

I very seldom use a top or mist after the first 3 days, but if they aren't wilted there isn't much to worry about. Where I live now, the humidity can go from less than 10% to 100% in 24 hrs. Did just that a few days ago and it makes things *interesting*.

Be that as it may, the clone I've been running for over 5 years now seldom roots in less than 3 weeks and sometimes over a month. Used to worry me, but now just take it in stride and go by the 'not wilted' yardstick.

Rose summed it up perfectly a few years back, but I can't remember the exact quote. Something like, 'First it looks good, then not so good, then it looks terrible, then it roots'. Described the whole process to a T.


Wetdog, i still stick to that philosophy lol... Mine do look like heck right before they give up and root. I take three cuts so I have 2 for sures. Cloning miniature roses you take two cuttings for every one you want... MJ is a little easier, I guess. I am not good at it like the above folks... Very impressed Multi, and Orange. I hope your new ones make it well Orange.
Wetdog, i still stick to that philosophy lol... Mine do look like heck right before they give up and root. I take three cuts so I have 2 for sures. Cloning miniature roses you take two cuttings for every one you want... MJ is a little easier, I guess. I am not good at it like the above folks... Very impressed Multi, and Orange. I hope your new ones make it well Orange.

If you can clone miniature roses, MJ is nothing, child's play. I'm impressed!:farm:

The first cuttings I ever took were with my Grandfather in his fruit garden with his pocket knife.

I'd guess I've used almost all popular cutting mediums and methods, Rockwool and baggie cuts is my preferred go to method and I always like to have rw cubes in stock. Conversely I'm currently rooting cuts in pots of coco coir.

This is off topic a little but Multi, have you read The Orchardist? You and your grandfather in the orchard reminded me of one of my most favorite books.

Wetdog, don't be too impressed, i was big into roses for years and mini's are easy to root if you ever want to know how.

I have my very first RW, so i was happy to see the weighed product. Thanks Multi.
Give it 10 to 14. Any wilting?
Day 4 no roots. Hoping by 7 days we will have some.

you must be more patient when it comes to cloning. i keep mine 20 days before i even disturb them to check on the roots. by 7 days i guess it is still too early
Some people have really good results with RW, I'm not one of those people :)

Nor am I. And stank may be one of those people too. If a medium or method is not working for you , change it up. That is one of the reasons that there ARE different mediums and methods of growing. Not every one of them is for everybody.

I have saved myself embarrassment by not showing my clones that I have tried RW and the multi method with, but they are not pretty and never root. Not sure if longevity is a sign of a quality that thinking MG would be great since it has been around for about 100 years longer than Grodans....I think I read 1868.
my 2 cents

1st off thanks thg---you pointed out a flaw in pre sprouting seeds which explained the likeliness of why my germ rate went from 100% cracked beans to 20% sprouting---i think they were contaminated when i poured them from the glass of water onto a filthy towel :doh:

i also believe and have experienced---the better the herb---the more difficult it is to get roots from clones---seems to take much longer and rooting % are not 100%

farewell fellow enthusiasts :ccc:
you must be more patient when it comes to cloning. i keep mine 20 days before i even disturb them to check on the roots. by 7 days i guess it is still too early


For the clone I'm running checking before 3 weeks just disturbs and irritates them. :watchplant:

Don't get into the mind set that clones popping roots and planted seeds sprouting are in the same time frame, #of days wise. 7 days is a bit unrealistic. Not impossible I guess, but, I've never seen it.

No problem. Do it a few times and you'll get a feel for how long. Especially if you run the same strain for a bit.

they should root, I would spread them apart a bit more

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