here you can see a little better the top of the closet, i have a light in the very top fixture shinning down on the starting plants in the little black container.
here are what lights we have going now, i think if i replace my center light with a 150w hps one that it will do nicely, also i forgot my garage is loaded with floresents so i have two 48' ones that will be going on the sides of the walls for added light.
kinda the same shot but a litte different angle.
its reading around 80 degrees, but its usually around 78 with both the fans going. i gave it 2 hours of darkness today, it has been on a full 24 hour cycle cause the first two months of its growth it sat in my bedroom window starving for light.
and here she is, nothing to brag about but i wish i had shots of it when it was in the window, the two months it sat in my window it got no bigger then two inches, first two nights in the closet double it in size.
one thing i did notice today, i was looking at it up close to see signs of sex, this was right after i turned the lights back on after its 2 hours of dark. it was the first time i got a smell from it, i leaned in and i could smell nothing but skunk, up to this point she has given off no odors. to me this is a good sign i would think.
so what do you guys think??? anything else i should be doing other then having more lumens per square foot, that will come very soon i think, that wif i cought of it today made my mouth water thinking about smoking it.