Hey all, thanks once again for all the kind words, it really means a lot to me.
The mint are doing well - I hate this seedling stage, it always seems like they take forever to get going! Well we had a brilliantly sunny and hot day yesterday so I put them out to enjoy some of that! The afghan is now gone - I planted it somewhere hidden last night
I jus hope it'll survive!
The 3 mint are great. I've had issues with little black flies. -i had this before, on my first ever grow last year. I think they're probably fungus gnats, so I've put a Pinguicula plant in the grow box. They are a sticky sorta carniverous plant. anyway i've included a pic of that. Also i've been keeping the soil as dry as I can without killing them! lol
I do apologise, but I don't have any pics to upload yet, well I do but their all still on the boyfriends phone
so hopefully I can upload those later
Hope everyone is doing ok