Look What I Found in My Dogpen

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Barrelhse said:
That's one cool dog you got there. Is this his first grow?
haha thats a good one...My dog grows too.....:hubba: Now if I could just teach the cat.....
hmmm.... just a thought with you weaving the plant in and out of the ladder... hope you never need to use it (ladder) :eek: :hitchair:
got a few more of em tcvg. my ladder climbing days' are done, lone em out occasionally, but not this one.:hubba:
some pics this morning after a huge storm last night. 87mph winds. trees down all over, but not these two.:D . plant in the ladder rungs is starting
to shoot new growth all over. the smaller plant had a rope laying on it, guess the wind did it. didnt break, simply trained it off the wall. maybe ill tie it down some more later.:) . i pinched the stalks all over on both last week. will do it some more in a day or two. :) ...
Just looked in, the dog seems to be doing a great job (with your kind help). WOW on those winds.
heres the dogpen pics. thier not doing so well. the bugs been having thier way with them. a few leaves have been completely chewed away. and others have holes chewed in them. gonna go give em a good spray of ortho max, kills 100 insects supposedly. havent tried this yet, but all i could get on short notice. the last pic is my old dog taking a scolding for not taking care of his plants properly, although, he did promise he'd do better for a milkbone.:D :) ;) ...
good lookin dog, hope the ladies get better!
I just saw this thread.
Thats a nice find man, I hunt for wild(or "owned") cannabis plants around a few popular places where I live. So far I've found four sites, nothing major. Wish you luck with you dogs plants
I had a volunteer grow up along my driveway right out the garage door, I think when I pressure washed garage floor it washed out, I didnt trim weeds to camo it for as long as possible and finally dug up and potted it to put in more secure location. Ladder growing.... hmmm good idea, if you put ladder on end come harvest time all you would have to do is climb for your fruit!
white fire ur last post on here says u look for owned plants in ur area... for wat reasons? u aint one them who avoids all the time and energy effort risk etc and goes and robs someone else's hard work and to some their only hobby their passion and most of all their own medicine... ARE YOU?
i hope not. cuz all i gotta say is my opinion is if its not urs leave it alone. and im sure them people are growing cuz they are financially unfortunate to afford buyin at commercial prices. if u were poor and tried homemade routes to make life happier and someone came an stripped u of mnonths of work and wat have u, how would u feel. noone respects a theif.
i aint accusin you its just that the way u worded ur thread just caught my eye.
All I do is look around different areas where there would be a high chance of marijuana growing there. I can tell when its wild. I only found one site that was owned cause they were trimmed. I actually ended up meeting the guy that grew there. He was pretty cool, but I've never stolen anyones grow. I agree that being stripped of months of hard work would suck very much. I just like trying to find plants, its kinda like a hobby.

On one find there were about 17 wild plants growing on the edge of a forest and a meadow. I transplanted 5 and they turned out ok, but their offspring grew better. Now I have a spot to go if i ever run out of seeds somehow though.
ummm,yeah, i don't think anyone would wanna jump over that fence for 'only' two plants.:rolleyes: jk:D ...
jees all my dog does is make coke in his doghouse i tried to get him to grow some herbal but he said the godfatherdog would kill him for mixing coke n weed................mabye i smoked to much? hahahahaha
I think poochie is out growing you Banjo.LOMA. Now we know where you get you grow tips from...lol
bud.uncle said:
Any sign of sex yet?

not yet. the first pic smells really strong. i get a good smell of it drifting through the window when it's open.:) ...

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