leaves keep dying!

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my plant is about 2 months old now.. and its not doing too good. i should have like 7 or 8 nodes of leaves now, but the bottom nodes keep withering away and dying so i only have 4. all of the top leaves are still looking green and fresh but the bottom ones turn yellow and then die. help.
We need a lot more info than that to help you.
Let's start with media/container (what kind) and light (how much of what kind).
its growing outside in the dirt mixed with potting soil and it gets direct sun(this IS an outdoor forum) from 10am to 1 pm, ive been giving it a very small amount of miracle grow in the water every now and then too.
it may be using the food stored in those leaves to stay alive
do u fertilize?
wat kind of miracle grow is it
u should use a 20-20-20 fert
i know i should use something with 20 20 20 but im not spending money on fertilizer for just 1 plant.. im not sure what the miracle grow is... could the problem be something else?
afireoutside said:
i know i should use something with 20 20 20 but im not spending money on fertilizer for just 1 plant.. im not sure what the miracle grow is... could the problem be something else?
The problem could be the MG nutes you gave it.
afireoutside said:
even from 1/8th of the reccomended dose?
Yup because you could be giving the plant something it doesn't need or want. What are the numbers on the MG nute bottle? There should be 3 of them. I would lay off giving it anymore and see what happens. You should think about getting some good nutes. I know it cost money but in the long run you will end up with better bud.
I pay $14 for my Fox Farm Grow Big, but at the strength you use it, it will last a few grows. Totally worth it IMHO.
the nutrients ratio on that miracle grow is 15-30=15 by the way
15-30-15 is for flowering.
, but all miracle grow products are crap.
GanjaGuru said:
15-30-15 is for flowering.
I may get banned for saying so, but all miracle grow products are crap.
Your pretty funny GG but the strange thing is i'm not laughing.
Your pretty funny GG but the strange thing is i'm not laughing.

(edit) you don't care...seems to be your problem
Please don't push this ganja..
GanjaGuru said:
(edit) you don't care...seems to be your problem
Please don't push this ganja..

Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, deal?
15/30/15 in miracle grow is for flowering that is there newer boxes anyway. the box i bought last year of miracle grow was 15/52/15 getting tight with the phosphate.anyhow afo scroll to the botton of this page and click on hicks marijuana nutrient disorders trouble shooter .

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