Leary about signing up for State Medical Marijuana Card

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I meant arrested. The denying of firearm purchases is rampant unless you are a ‘Hunter’ if you know what I mean.
No, I don't know what you mean maybe? I buy all kinds of guns with no issue. I hunt at supermarket. All mine are"black guns" for defense. Second amendment has nothing to do with hunting, it's for the population to put down a tyrannical government.
I live in Texas and I think California sucks. And so does all the Californians moving here.
Texas has a new population growth. All coming from California. Can't afford the taxes and got tired of stepping over shit from the homeless and needles from the drug addicts.
They get the added benefit of not being on the hook for ‘reparations’ in a state that never had slavery(unless you count the indentured servants from China)…
No, I don't know what you mean maybe? I buy all kinds of guns with no issue. I hunt at supermarket. All mine are"black guns" for defense. Second amendment has nothing to do with hunting, it's for the population to put down a tyrannical government.
The ‘Hunter’ I was alluding to had a broken laptop and lied on his application to purchase a gun that was later found in a garbage can…
They get the added benefit of not being on the hook for ‘reparations’ in a state that never had slavery(unless you count the indentured servants from China)…
They will never pay one nickel. They don't have it plain and simple.
Accounting tricks, money shuffling and omnibus spending bills with funding hidden in 10,000 page documents our legislators never fully read beg to differ…
Cali is broke.....
I got a call last night from a friend who told me he’s under the impression by years and we will be at war with China. Needless to say I didn’t sleep very well with that running around in my head. The strength and unity of this nation is at an all time low whereas China is stronger than they’ve ever been. And to think of who our leaders are, it’s just a frightening thought.
I hve told everybody i know that America better wake the fk up or we will have The China Military in our fking streets within 5 or 10 more years.
I got a call last night from a friend who told me he’s under the impression by years and we will be at war with China. Needless to say I didn’t sleep very well with that running around in my head. The strength and unity of this nation is at an all time low whereas China is stronger than they’ve ever been. And to think of who our leaders are, it’s just a frightening thought.
I'm surprised they are still waiting.

All these Fuckers are worried about are locking up
Fuuck em all
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I've known for a long time that war with China would be coming at some point, we're getting closer to it all the time. Nobody had to tell me, just look around. They already own a good piece of our *ss here and for years they've been poisoning us with a bunch of crap that turns people into what our population is riddled with, either a bunch of LGBTQ+ weirdos, people who might as well share the label, or people who have developed all kinds of illnesses that take them out of the fight. Give it a few more years and there won't be enough people here with any kind of will to fight left to defend this country, they'll all be sitting back feeling entitled and like nobody can touch them because that's the nature of the social environment we live in now, which has been pushed by people trying to destroy this country. They'll have big surprise when there's a big red flag planted in their yard and they're being loaded up into train cars bound for hard labor camps or worse.

Oh, and in response to the original post, don't do it. Once you register for that card you're screwed if you want to have/buy firearms, and God knows what else could potentially become a problem. Years back, when medicinal use was first legalized here, I knew people who were flocking to get that card, not me. I saw no reason to out myself to the government. I have multiple sclerosis and have grown my own for years, I figured if there ever was a problem they'd have a real fun time making me a poster boy on the issue. We have recreational laws here now, been a long time coming. I still grow my own though, even if it is a struggle, dispensary weed sucks!

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