largest tomato competition

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4u2sm0ke said:
put them in soil..add a little water..sure fire
:farm: What is the BEST way to harvest tomato seeds? I have just bought plants before, I have two delious plant this year, I would like to keep. COULD I CLONE?:watchplant:

:headbang2: :stoned: :tokie: :headbang: :48:
Yes you can...and its a good way to practice..I would take tomatoseeds and place them on papper towel to dry...then save them in cool dark place until next spring..but IMO plants are cheap and all ready to be planted..I do harvest and sell Pumkin seeds..But Tomato seeds ..lots of work..just my thoughts...

take care and be safe
Are they heirloom tomato plants? If not, if they are hybrids, don't bother saving the seeds, your results will be all over the map. If they are heirlooms than leave them on the plant till they are about to fall off and are wilted. Take the seeds out of the tomato and leave them in their pulp. Put them in a tupperware container, with the pulp still, till they ferment. Than you can wash them off and let them dry like 4u2smoke stated and store them.
Ok here a update of my Tomato's plants that I am growing inside..
The Tallest plant is the oldest Aug. 3 and it is already showing her yellow flowers and the others is Aug.26.
I am going to have tomato's by Thanksgiving :hubba:
I am using reg soil and MG Nuts. and 14/10 lites, 400 watts MH.
I have notice that when I watch them everyday they don't grow as good and if I go and leave them alone and check them once a week they show there growing better. So I water once a week and Don't Peep on them they like that..
They are show off..:hubba: :hubba:

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hey FlyingHigh glad to see you are making use of the room...good luck on these...I will be watching..
Thanks Smoke!! I figure since I Kicked up the electric a yr ago on growing I didn't want to have a big drop, so I decided to grow indoor Tomato's and give that a try !!
:farm: my peppers and tomatoes have been very good, still a couple peppers on each plant and lots of tomatoes left, but we will have some frost very soon I expect :hubba:
not one dam tomatoe turned red...not a one..there for I supose I lose...big ol green ones tho...
4u2sm0ke said:
not one dam tomatoe turned red...not a one..there for I supose I lose...big ol green ones tho...

Why did'nt they go green? don't they all eventually?
I've never tried a green tomatoe
OK here a Up date pix of the tomato's plants ! and my MJ girls;)
There a little over a Month old and starting to flower and then turn brown and die and don't understand it because U don't need bees to pollinate but wind will do the job from to pollinate each other, from what I have read and from U all !
But this thing with a Brush to transfer the Pollen from one plant to another is way to Much to do.

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My maters are done..I got several hundred nice ones and they just quit.. so I snatched 'em up and put down some fall greens;) still have a few peppers though...
Everthing is over for me. I will till in the last of the lawn clippings and leaves Saturday. Lastweek i planted 170 garlic cloves, can't wait for them next summer :)
godspeedsuckah said:
Everthing is over for me. I will till in the last of the lawn clippings and leaves Saturday. Lastweek i planted 170 garlic cloves, can't wait for them next summer :)

tell me more about the garlic..Ive never grown it but the "old lady" cooks with it alot..
It is simple to grow really. Pick your spot you want to put them and make sure you have enough compost material. You take the biggest cloves, remove the white skin but keep a layer of skin on them and plant the bottom of the clove down 2" in the ground, 6" apart and 10" between rows. I mulch over them. Up north here we plant our garlic in October and harvest at the end of june. If you live in the South I am not sure when you would plant. Google search will nail it down for you. I can't wait to pickle some with habanero peppers next summer.......that is soooooooo gooooood!!!

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