My updated garden pics.
Pic 1: This is my sweet pepper raised bed. I put the lawwn chair in the back to give an idea of the plants hieght. I don't usually have that chair there, staring at that fence is not my idea of enjoying the garden.
Pic2: Can't see to well because of the foliage and peppers still being the same color, but there are plenty of peppers growing in there.
Pic 3: These are my better boy hybrids. Still green obviously but plenty healthy, and lots of them.
Pic 4: Tjis is a German striped tom. It dose'nt look very large in the pic but it's about the size of a baseball.
Pic 5: These are my romas. Probably my favorite for canning. They make great sause.
Pic 6: More large toms.
Pic 7: My chili peppers and onions in a raised bed.
Pic 8: My tomato garden in the greenhouse fame. Bell pepper garden in the background, my MJ plants in the foreground. Thier NL, I believe they've reached thier full hieght and are now starting to fill out.
Pic 9: General pic of side garden.
Pic 10: More MJ, orphaned hostas in pots on the ground, grape vines cover the fence. The grapes attract dozens of cardinals, (the birds not the ball players).
Pic 11: MJ standind tall and happy in the garden.