Someone suggested I check out a website selling LED's. Pretty interesting. Looks like the LED grow lights are aimed directly at MJ gardeners. I know somebody who says they know somebody who's using them and says they are fine. I am hoping to hear directly from someone that is growing using these lights.
If the output is good, and the plant yield is comparable, they seem fantastic. Run on 110v power, last for 7 years, and use a lot less energy. The cost is pretty comparable to HID's.
Anyone have any real life hands on experience with these lights? Again, my biggest concern is whether or not plant yield is comparable to HID's. Thanks.
If the output is good, and the plant yield is comparable, they seem fantastic. Run on 110v power, last for 7 years, and use a lot less energy. The cost is pretty comparable to HID's.
Anyone have any real life hands on experience with these lights? Again, my biggest concern is whether or not plant yield is comparable to HID's. Thanks.