Joe, Ohio isn't the only place to F' up legalization bills, it has happened here and I understand your frustration...truth be known I don't care if they ever legalize it, just get me enough lead way my attorney has something to work with, because I'm never gonna be on a list, just wont happen. I see all the strides made in the last 8 years about to come crashing down, unless we as a population demand that our elected officials enact laws that make sense and protect everyone, not just big money and pharma. The only way i will be truely happy is if the just take MJ out of schedule 1 and not schedule it, it is herbal just like all the other legal herbal remedy's that are sold here in the states. It's a myth to think anything other than outright decriminalization of MJ is going to lead to anything good, everyone is fighting for table scraps when we should be demanding the whole meal, or forcing our elected officials away from the table. America is so stupid now, we as a people have allowed thirty years of regression to take place in America, and now the population is just plain too stupid to know any better. I can still name all the presidents, all the states and and capitols and know where they are on the map, I know all 44 presidents and understand the three branches of government. We no longer care as a nation if it does not directly impact us...and the sad truth is it all does...but people are slothful and lazy and uneducated and just like Rome, you are watching the fall of the Joe what i'm really trying to say is that you expect far more from your fellow Americans than they can give, thanks to the last 30 years of "dumbing down" of America....not everybody gets to win and have a trophy, there is no such thing as also ran, and atta boy.....That concludes my rant!