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yogi dc

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
i want to try to breed my own seeds but i dont have the space to keep a male bye him self. i was woundering if its ok to cut off most of his branching untill there is just one with a couple off sacks on it.

Right now i am growing pappaya, cosmic lights, ak 48 and purple power!!!!!
Yes...put him under some flouros and 'bonsai' him down. As soon as you are within a week or two of desired pollination, you could go ahead and take pollen from him. Just keep it dry and cold (fridge) and it will last at least a week (maybe 2). LL could give you tips on that...
you can isolate the male and collect pollen anytime. Then simply store it in an "airtight" container, with a desicant, in the 'fridge for future use. I've succesfully stored like this for up to a year.
thanks, hick its has been a bit anyway ,that helps a lot, i will post some new pics that i have of my new grow cab.
can i force open the sacks to get the pollan, or does it matter to wait untill they open them on their own..

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