This Is by far one if not the best smoke ive tried/grown, bag appeal 10/10 if grown good you end up with multiple colord buds from red,blue,purple,yellow,black.
Potency is killer 9/10 maybe even 10 people who smoked tell me its Next-gen eration weed, j's often leaving your tounge,throat,face numb and then after a few minutes body.
taste/smell. very fruity.. grape berry mix (most amazing tasting weed hard to describe) the smell is almost perfumey very pleasent and strong.
buzz 10/10 Start off with a quick rush to the head total cerebal / paranoia after each inhale, after a few mins to 10mins after the joint is done a major creep of numbness and stoneyness leaves you on your ***.
easy to grow, can withstand lots of stress without hermie or other problems.
stable from over a decade of breeding and workin with it... its a cross of white widow x jack herrer x northan lights 5 x haze x rainbow kashmiri
Potency is killer 9/10 maybe even 10 people who smoked tell me its Next-gen eration weed, j's often leaving your tounge,throat,face numb and then after a few minutes body.
taste/smell. very fruity.. grape berry mix (most amazing tasting weed hard to describe) the smell is almost perfumey very pleasent and strong.
buzz 10/10 Start off with a quick rush to the head total cerebal / paranoia after each inhale, after a few mins to 10mins after the joint is done a major creep of numbness and stoneyness leaves you on your ***.
easy to grow, can withstand lots of stress without hermie or other problems.
stable from over a decade of breeding and workin with it... its a cross of white widow x jack herrer x northan lights 5 x haze x rainbow kashmiri