Iso Hash Oil

  • Thread starter THE BROTHER'S GRUNT
  • Start date
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Do you want to know how to make hash the easiest way? It is very simple, and this method works for just about any grade of marijuana/cannabis, even clippings, trim, and plain old bunk.
Do you have some weed laying around that wasn't good enough to smoke? This method will salvage whatever can be salvaged from lousy weed, greatly improve its potency, and even turn bunk into something that is useful (for emergencies, anyway)..

Step 1. Get some alcohol
The active ingredients in marijuana dissolve readily in alcohol. You can find rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) at any drug store. It is cheap -- usually about a dollar per bottle.
BE SURE YOU DO NOT GET DENATURED ALCOHOL. Denatured alcohol contains ingredients that can be POISON. "Denaturing" is a process where they add ingredients to make the alcohol unsuitable for human consumption. If you use "denatured" alcohol, you will wind up with hashish that is unsafe to consume, and it will probably taste terrible, too.
If you cannot find alcohol in your drug store, you can also use any high-alcohol content rum or vodka, such as Everclear. If you are going to use rum or vodka you should note that the alcoholic beverage may contain additional ingredients that may modify the flavor of the resulting hashish, or make it harsher to smoke. Plain alcohol is to be preferred, and plain alcohol is cheaper.
Please be extremely careful when you are handling alcohol. Do not smoke or get near open flame while you are doing this process. Alcohol can be extremely flammable, and it burns with a flame that is often hard to see until it is too late. Some methods elsewhere recommend evaporating the alcohol off by heating the mixture on a stove. I would NOT recommend that. For one thing, the alcohol vapor can be extremely flammable and, because the flames are hard to see, you can have a big problem (like the whole house burning down) before you know it. For another, the alcohol vapor can get you very seriously drunk in a hurry. Seriously. You can a couple of good whiffs and be staggering.

Step 2. Grind up your weed.
You will get the most out of this process if your cannabis is ground as finely as possible. You can just soak the leaves whole and get satisfactory results, but grinding the weed will allow the alcohol to get to all the plant fiber to get the most out of it. Just put the weed in a blender and let it run until the material is thoroughly pulverized.

Step 3. Soak the marijuana in alcohol
Put the marijuana in a jar that can be sealed tightly and pour the alcohol over it. Put enough alcohol in so there is enough to cover the marijuana completely, and then some. Let it sit for about 24 hours. By the end of 24 hours, the alcohol will have turned distinctly green. (If you have real bunk, the alcohol may turn brown.)

Step 4. Filter out the plant fiber
Pour the liquid through a coffee filter into another jar. This will remove the plant fiber and give you a green alcohol mixture that contains alcohol and the active ingredients from the marijuana.

Step 5. Let the alcohol evaporate.
The final step is to pour the mixture into a bowl and let it evaporate. Depending on the amount of alcohol in the mixture, it might take a day or so.
Some other methods recommend heating the mixture on the stove to evaporate off the alcohol. This can be dangerous, as described above. It is far better to just be patient and let the alcohol evaporate naturally. It takes a little longer, but it is far safer and a lot less work.
This will leave you with a form of hashish. The result will be a thick green kind of tar. It can be difficult to work with or smoke, just because it is so concentrated and sticky, but it is useable at this point.

Step 6. Enjoying the result
Smoking it in a pipe.
If you put this hash oil in a pipe, it will bubble and cook like road tar. Because of this, getting a good high from it may be difficult with conventional smoking methods. It is not that you can't get high -- you can -- it will just be more work than smoking a joint and you may wind up with a clogged pipe. Think of how difficult it is to work with road tar and you will get some idea of what it is like.
Vaporizing it
An alternative method is to put the hash oil in a spoon or on a piece of tin foil. Then heat the spoon or tin foil from below and inhale the smoke that comes off it by using a straw. Using a conventional vaporizer is not recommended unless you use something to protect the vaporizer from the hash oil melting down into it. Hash oil can be difficult to clean up, and you could just wind up ruining an expensive vaporizer.
Pouring it over other marijuana
An alternative method is to pour the liquid onto another batch of marijuana, and let the alcohol evaporate from that. The end product will be easier to smoke if you do this, because it has the plant fiber to help it burn. You probably don't want to pour it over really good grades of weed, because it will probably change the flavor for the worst. However, if you have some marijuana laying around that is only of mediocre quality, it can improve the quality significantly and make it acceptable for smoking in desperate times.

45 seconds to a minute at the MOST.

You have no idea how to make oil and your instructions will produce that black tar like crap.

Proper oil looks like dark amber to yellow, not like "road tar".

Your instructions need to be reworked.
Okay let me run through my latest method which I learned from a guy on another forum.

Take your hash material...(buds and sugar leaf for me) the better the material the better the hash. I keep mine in the freezer. Take a ladies nylon and clip a piece off...maybe 6 inches. Tie off one end and then stuff it like a sausage with your frozen hash material and then tie off the other end. Take your sausage and put it in a jar and cover it with Your alcohol. Twist on the lid and start long you shake is pretty much a personal choice....I like 2 minutes....the longer you shake the greener it will get and the worse it will taste when done.
Next pour the liquid through a coffee filter...( I double the filter) and into your crock pot.
Put the crock pot on low with the lid off somewhere ventilated....check it every cpl hours until it is just about evaporated and then shut it off. I remove the stoneware from the outer heating chamber and put it on the fridge for an hour or so to cool off....then get your blade and start scraping.

This method cuts hours and hours off of the wait. I can make ISO in like 5 hours now.
Pretty much.

Also: avoid using ISO, its extremely bad for you.

Look int grain alcohol or some other distillate.
The Effen Gee said:
Pretty much.

Also: avoid using ISO, its extremely bad for you.

Look int grain alcohol or some other distillate.

Good to know bro....guess I need to pick up some ever clear....
Thats what all the hippies in humboldt use. It has a more grainy taste to it, but its way better.
Ok so my question is will the psychoactive ingredients in the weed start to settle at the bottom of the alcohol? I was just thinking I would like to use a bowl with a fairly small bottom that way it's not as spread out. Another thought on the subject I am by know means a chemistry genius but I'm pretty sure that iso just dissolves the cannabinoids and then evaporates assuming that all there is in it is the iso and usually a little water. I mean there is no chemical reaction so there should be no nasty chemicals left behind. I mean the only way it would be bad for you is if there were contaminants in the iso and I don't believe that to be the case
ISO has nearly the same chemical ability to dissolve lipids as ethanol.

*actually yall need to steer away from organic solvents. Im sure hippies in Humboldt dont know a whole lot about chemistry. ;)
isoman234 said:
Ok so my question is will the psychoactive ingredients in the weed start to settle at the bottom of the alcohol? I was just thinking I would like to use a bowl with a fairly small bottom that way it's not as spread out.

As far as I know evaporation is the only way to get all that goodness. What do you want to do? Use an eye dropper to remove the top layer? Try the crock pot takes a cpl hours. Or you can use a hair dryer I hear to speed up evaporation.
...even just a fan blowing across the surface will speed the evaporation time significantly.
I was just thinking I would like to use a bowl with a fairly small bottom that way it's not as spread out.
a smaller bowl will keep it from 'spreading out' as much, making it easier to collect. But it also reduces the exposed 'surface area', which will impede/slow evaporation "somewhat".
So Everclear is better than iso alcohol? Still, I'll place a small fan to blow over the glass bowl to evaporate, I don't care to heat up any alcohol to achieve making hash oil. My Landrace Colombian Gold makes awesome, sweet tastey hash oil. Like to make some from the Blue Widow, but that bud already kicks butt, but then so does the C. Gold for that matter.
faderharley said:
So Everclear is better than iso alcohol?
No. 90% is 90%. BOTH are organic solvents (hydrocarbon chain). BOTH are equally harmful.
I would like to add... For the days where you can't seem to find some anywhere and Dr. Green isn't answering, these methods also work great for making the oil out of resin and you also get your bongs looking like new in the process. And i find the end product is a lot better then just the resin on it's own.

On another note, when buying iso, BE VERY SURE your not using medicated iso, i heard it can make you very sick or worse if you smoke it. And if smoking iso concerns you, relax inhaling a bit will only get you drunk but be careful your not around fumes too long while making the oil as the iso goes straight to your brain not liver and gets you really drunk (got this info looking up iso safety). And when using plastics make sure its the right kind of plastic because cheap plastics can dissolve and then your smoking plastic too. But iso is used in hospitals for sanitization and it generally safe around most plastics.

And for those who burnt their houses down cooking the stuff.... seriously, way to high or completely retarded. I cook it all the time, perfectly safe, just look up the flash point of the iso you are using and make sure the temp does not get that high. Not a difficult concept. And don't put on direct heat, i boil water in a pot and put a bigger glass container over the boiling water pot and then you got your oil in 10 mins instead of hours to a day. Junior high science guys common.

Happy Toking. And to all you growers out there, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I give my sincerest thanks and respect.
for make this why we use only bud or leaf trimmings ? can't we take other parts from the plant?
dealwis said:
for make this why we use only bud or leaf trimmings ? can't we take other parts from the plant?

The bud and sugar leaf has the highest concentration of trics. When you make your hash from this, you get the most pure hash you can make by hand. When you use the rest of the plant, you get to many impurities, meaning your smoking dirt and plant matter.
K, let's clear up some stuff here so's we don't get future newbs all confused and stuff..

First off, y'all need to consider using 99(.8)% iso, str8 up. If you can't get 99%, do something else..

Hammy bro, you were on to it mate ;)

If you are worried about what iso will leave in the final product, then you are not purging correctly. Iso will evap clean, it's what alcohol does. If there are doubters here, try the same glass test that we use for butane.. Then try it with tap water..

Firstly, avoid grinding your material into powder (fine grind). A simple chop would do fine, if needed at all. I do like to break up popcorn bud though, otherwise a bud just becomes a sponge that will have to be dealt with some how.. Also, let it dry completely. No wet material!

Next, freeze it. Freeze it all. The iso, the bud, the jars they are in, everything.

Once that's done, study the name of this technique. Qwiso means "quick wash" iso.. If you are getting tacky green or black oil, you have just missed the tug. Like BHO, iso should come off fairly clear. Unlike BHO, iso will have a 'redder' tint to it.

Ok, here's the rub.. "Quick wash" your material.. This means keep it under 15 seconds. Anything more can no longer be called 'quick wash'.. And do it all as cold as you can get it. This will help tie up unwanted plant lipids from draining into the final product.

Next thing to remember is to strain the material through a screen and take out the bigger stuff up front, then run it through your coffee filters..

Also, the best purge is a warm purge. Using a crockpot is a stellar idea, and I do it my self but with a clear pyrex-type container inserted in or over the ceramic insert. Once the iso has evaped, I also use my oven, generally set below 300f. Here is a guide that will help on time and temps. Note: THC decarbing won't change your smoke, but if you plan to injest then decarbing is a must.

Ok, here are some things to consider.. When dealing with iso the one thing you should be shooting for is a window of quality that leaves your oil stable at room temp. If you wash too long your oil will become dark, soft and extremely tacky. The best quality will be very stable at room temp and will shatter if handled even midly rough. There is a better quality that can be reached, but not with one iso wash. Adding a second wash, done with ethanol in a technique being called 'winterization' (I know...), you can free your iso results from all plant fats and excess lipids (Google: Absolute Amber). However, seems this will also bring your oil back to a free running, viscous product and drops it's stable form.

Either way, here's the deal. When using iso as a solvent, and you end up smoking this..


Then you probably have a reasonable gripe.....


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Listen to what is being said, and you might just be smoking this instead... 100% Iso shatter.. Rockin it the hard way ;)






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