Tell me about it, A 10 O'clock 2 becomes a 2 O'clock 10...........................................................
Tell me about it, A 10 O'clock 2 becomes a 2 O'clock 10...........................................................
Give him a BIG WET SLOPPY KISSJust sent an email out to @oldfogey8 , waiting for a reply.
WeirdGood morning, Misfits & GW. Missed most of the eclipse this morning. Meh. Seen one, seen 'em all. More important to see some old friends in my dreams.
Your right hand and a tube sock?Weird
I was having dreams of my 1st Love all night.
Just got done with an MRI of my lower back for my pain management specialist. This idiot was parked in a no parking zone and I almost backed the van into him. If it was not for my parking assist app, I would have hit his ass. Idiot
Can't fix stupidThat's so annoying.
I once was driving a 15 passenger van for a convention. At a hotel I was gradually backing up so I could get out of the drop off area in front of the main doors. People started waving at me. Well, I stopped and was told I had backed into a car. I never felt it. It was the front fender of a brand new car parked in a no parking zone. I did not get in trouble and kept on driving the van.
A year later, I was driving again and started getting a lot of calls on the radio - that stupid car (without the bend in the fender) was parked in the same no parking zone.