Island Of Misfits

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Good morning insomniac Misfits. Got annual house inspection from the realtor today, so I gotta shut down the garden while they are here. The tent is on a single power strip and the veg boxes are on a separate one. Will stash the veg plants in the van, but the ones in the tent will have to stay and just turn things off until they are done
Good morning brothers and sisters!

More rain starting at 43F and predicted to reach 53F.

I tried to get hold of the Courtesy Ford dealership general manager, but of course just got his voice mail, so I left my contact information and got his email from the phone receptionist.

I sent him an email detailing their performance shortfalls and asked him what he was going to do about it but have gotten no reply as of yet.

Breakfast out this morning and then I will be making an appointment at the Gresham Ford dealership to get the Focus EV checked out. I will then forward my letter to the GM to Fords corporate customer relations department.

My girlfriend says I'm cheap, so I took her out for tea and biscuits. It was quite exciting as she had never given blood before.

Non-alcoholic beer is like watching porn on the radio

My wife wants me to wear a bracelet that belonged to her grandfather. It says "Do Not Resuscitate."

It's been months since I bought the book, How To Scam People On Line. It still hasn't arrived yet.

When someone recommends a book to me and says, "It's a page turner!" I say, "Yeah, I know how books work."

If you have a red wine stain on your carpet, get some white wine and drink it until you don't care anymore.

Vitamins are good for what ails you and Viagra is good for what fails you.

One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.

If your outgoings exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall.

I think racism is bad and you should treat all races the same whether Brown, Black, Asian, Latino or normal.

Even rarer than a doctor who can't stand the sight of blood is a lawyer who can't stand the sight of money.

If your palm itches, you are going to get something. If your crotch itches, you've already got it.
Good morning, Misfits! Cool and rain, rain, and more rain today. Saw it coming on the radar last night and thought about getting dressed and hooking up the van's battery at 0030, but the nice warm bed and the Old Hen cuddled up next to me were a sirens call. Guess a little rain ain't gonna kill me. Lord knows I've ridden the scooter on trips getting soaked through and through and didn't melt.
Good morning Misfits. Currently 45, with a high of 57 expected today. Got the garden turned off, and plants in the van. The inspection is supposed to be at 9 am, and usually takes about an hour. There are a few things that need fixed, but my friend said he would help me get it all done. I know a couple of window screens need repaired, and a new window shade installed. Other than that, we should be fine
Inspection done, plants back in place and lights back on. Now smoking a bowl of Cherry Pie and relaxing. My brother is not at the assisted living home anymore, he got into an argument with one of the other residents and they both got kicked out. So he is staying with us until we can find a new place for him to live
Inspection done, plants back in place and lights back on. Now smoking a bowl of Cherry Pie and relaxing. My brother is not at the assisted living home anymore, he got into an argument with one of the other residents and they both got kicked out. So he is staying with us until we can find a new place for him to live
Well at least your smoke sheshs’ will be easier
Just got done checking the garden, and the Gabagoo F4 Autoflower that I put in the van yesterday morning during the inspection has gotten droopy. I think being in the cold environment for a few hours was too much for her. The two Gabagoo Purple appear to be unaffected, but time will tell.

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