Sorry, but cats are smarter. A dog will lay in the middle of a darkened room and let you ground loop over them. A cat knows you don't see well in the dark and will run for the hills when he senses you coming. I know this for a fact.
I either read sub titles or watch the movie my eyes wont do both.Just got back from the picture show (Walt would call 'em Talkies". Went to see the new Japanese version of Godzilla. Ain't gonna give the movie away, but keep in mind that it's all in subtitles. I honestly liked it, and the Old Hen did too.
Night Folks
My dog is not feeling well Morning.........BrotherBetter smoke one and lay back down for a few. My shift is almost over. hahaha..
Good morgnin Sir RosterMan.
Coffee and pinch hits in a few.