LOWES upper man just hired the fire old woman back
They chose not to be the next Bud Light
They chose not to be the next Bud Light
@bigsur51 The costume store left a message and said they want their bigfoot suit back...
Yup they are next. In today's world a hard working, loyal employee is almost impossible to find. Lowes just just fired one. If I were still in business I would hire her in a second. Stupid fkn idiots. Hope you get robbed blind!!! Target is on my s-hit list and now Lowes!! If Walmart is smart they will keep their mouth shut. When the need ariaes Walmart is where I will go. Hope the Waltons are smart enough to realize that.LOWES upper man just hired the fire old woman back
They chose not to be the next Bud Light
The Home Depots owner is a deplorable. Best way i can say it without getting in trouble. Hippie is watching me.![]()
Nope,,I said the owner of HD is a deplorable, like me,, which is not Woke. Remember a certain person called ppl like me Deplorable?dont you have HD mixed up with low down Lowe’s?
low down Lowe’s went woke and I started going to Depot after that
This might have saved their azz. We shall see.....I won't go and shop where they fire good people. You can bet they realized what they had done and tried to save face by hiring her back. I would be talking to Home Depot if I were her. She would be a hero.LOWES upper man just hired the fire old woman back
They chose not to be the next Bud Light
Nope,,I said the owner of HD is a deplorable, like me,, which is not Woke. Remember a certain person called ppl like me Deplorable?