I was up at 430 remaking my bed.
Had a dream I bought this storage room. It was real tall and boxes was stacked real high so I'm climbed up to see what was on top and when I got on top it fell over. I was like fk,,this is going to hurt. And it did. I woke up in the goddamn floor with all the covers,,sheet, bedspread and pillows on top of me and my back hurting.

Damn good thing I have my own bed or I would have pulled my Wife unto the floor with me.

Last couple years I've got bad about shit like that.
Last time I did that,, I dreamed i was back in prison and a mother fker threw water on me. I jumped off my bunk to beat his ass. Woke up in the floor. Bruised my elbow. My stomach was hurting and I look up and my dog is setting there looking at me like,,what the fk are you doing.

Couple months ago I dreamed I was knocking the shit out of this fker that got smart with me and knocked all the shit off my nightstand and cut my hand.
Again a good thing I have my own bed or my Wife could have gotten hurt.

I never use to do that shit.