Goode morning Island denizens! Hugz and good wishes all around!
We discovered that Habitat for Humanities wanted $40 to pick up our donated recliner, plus we had to move it to the curb ourselves, so we loaded it on a furniture dolly and parked it at the curb with free sign on it. It was gone within the hour.
Another gorgeous day starting at 52F and predicted to reach 80F.
Breakfast out this morning, but otherwise a clear calendar, so I'll attempt to contact my webmaster and get XP Pro and my 32 bit Auto Cad program loaded in the used laptop I picked up for the purpose.
More scheming on adding railing to the basement stairs. I can add a post at the bottom, but it will mostly be in the way and require removal to move equipment in and out, plus finding another spot for the laundry basket.
It looks like Hippies solution to rehang the door to swing the other way would work, so I have a continuous wall to hang the rail from, though that will also require relocating the basement light switch on the other side as well and wall repair where I remove the trim, that is plastered in flush.
Yet another option is to install two shorter rails, with one on the left until past the door and then one on the right the rest of the way.
Being that we are usually carrying something, such as a laundry basket when climbing the stairs, yet another solution is to sell out and buy/build a single level residence. Alas, even our rentals are two stories with basements.