Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg! I've been in a 15 year battle with grapevines, and I'm not winning. Absolutely the most invasive thing on the property, save dandelions. Even the birds are on their side. I can tell everywhere a bird takes a dump after eating grapes, 'cause up jumps another grapevine. I cut down one way out back that, at the base, was wider than my wrist.
Just give it some more time, Hips. When I wuz a kid, back inna Olden Days, our farm had a peach orchard and a grape orchard. We rented out the pastures for other folks' cows.
Wait!! Before I go further -- I just found a pic of the peach crop. So it was a real peach orchard. The output of the grape orchard was twice that amount Back In The Day.
BTW: Note the chains on the back wheels. Rough stagecoach road.<--TINS Upgraded to graveled when I was a kid. Now paved. Jeez.
Back to why you shouldn't worry:
I went back to the farm ffteen years ago. There is absolutely NO SIGN of either the peach orchard or the grape orchard.
HAH!! I got on a satellite map to find either orchard, and found out that not only is that ONE lane gravel road paved, it has a fargin double yellow stripe on it and is a now TWO-lane highway!! With a fargin Route number!!
O Gawd, I am old. I useta lay in the road for a long time, cuz woodchucks would cross it, and I could peg 'em with my single shot .22
Now it is a fargin highway. O dear. O me. Lookit: That red acreage
is was the grape orchard behind the garage you see in the other pic.
So just wait a half-century (mebbe throw in another few years) and the grapes will be all gone.
PS: The red arrow is where I caught a wild chicken. And the HUGE tree by the upper part of the house is a Black Walnut tree. Loved them. The upper part of the house used to be a woodshed. There is a place to hide from Injuns in the center (original) section.