Island Of Misfits

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Today is gonna be interesting... wife got tricked into an all day baby sitting job she thought was for a few hours...

Going to have a 3mos old here from 7:30am to 3pm. Calgon, take me away. My wife's nephews new baby girl and
she's a tough little girl who loves to throw hands. Flip people off, it's just a baby curling finger thing, but she does.
a LOT.. lmao. she's from a redneck family who have 3 pitbulls and are kids raising kids really.. but, if they are going
to work and not play, we can help out.

Still.... AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... hehe. I hear a carwash calling me.. maybe get the oil changed while I wait. Hmmmm?
We’ll be sure to let us know how it is. I just found mine. May break it out again just to see why again I quit using it 😂
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Worked okay, could have been better. Not a huge amount of vapor. I get more, a lot actually, from the Solo. I think it’s down to how I load it. I’ll try some more tonight. Got totally wrecked trying to figure it out. But hey, it’s a rough job but someone has to do it!!
Worked okay, could have been better. Not a huge amount of vapor. I get more, a lot actually, from the Solo. I think it’s down to how I load it. I’ll try some more tonight. Got totally wrecked trying to figure it out. But hey, it’s a rough job but someone has to do it!!
I’m sure you will get better at it after playing around with the temp to get things just right plus get stoned in the process. 😎
I like My Q , an d believe @Unca Walt loves his when he fills his bags and gets High.
My Q is table top like the Volcano Vape and does dry flowers , I also Have the Solo2 same company out of Canada. I have extra glass pipes that I load a few up for all night Vaping on my night stand next to bed. I use the solo mostly and I like it .
Using dry flowers once again.
You be right. Even the competition calls my Volcano "legendary" and it is. But apparently there is something even beyond: I got mine only because the great guy that had it wanted the upgraded-upgrade new sooper precision Volcano. Temp control to degree-fraction, amongst other things.

There is a secondary benefit to a Volcano: The bags come in a set of four. If you take one for use as a re-breather when toking on a glass tube (exhale into the bag), when the bag gets puffed up, just put down the glass pipe and recirculate the bag's contents until clear... which you won't be.

I did not understand at first what you (and the Q company) meant by "dry flowers only".

That is, until sumbarine girl mentiioned vapes. The Volcano can do vapes. It has an attachment. I do not have any gooey stuff, and really do not need any. I love my Volcano used just as it is.
This has to be Hoppers Truck it just sped by Highway patrol
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When Scooter was in college, Herself and Your Humble Obdn't &tc gave him our old light grey Toyota Corona.

But I outfitted it with 3' rockets. One on each fender. Sorta looked like the one above.

And I painted the whole rear side panel was so it looked like the plaster finish of the fender had broken off, exposing the brick wall under it.

He loved it.
I have garlic planted last fall, new blackberry vines that were gifted to me last year coming up (Need to figure out something easy for them to climb on), my blueberry bush is in bloom now looks like I’ll get even more than last year. Also we Just happened to buy Mr Hunts house. I never met Mr hunt and Mr Hunt has passed now but was a master gardener and left my yard full of every kind of blooming flower and trees after building this house and living here since the early 60s. There is something always blooming and I discover new plants and flowers all the time coming up. I feel super lucky to live with all the flowers but probably need to learn more about them so I can keep them happy. I have zero experience with flowers as where we moved from for 30+ years in Ga we had deer and other wildlife making it impossible to even try. I did have a fenced in area for garden veggies and a really nice kitchen garden close to the house which I also shared with the critters on occasion.
"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." Albert Schweitzer - Humanitarian , Electrician (1875 - 1965 )
He died when I was 10 years old ....
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I have garlic planted last fall, new blackberry vines that were gifted to me last year coming up (Need to figure out something easy for them to climb on), my blueberry bush is in bloom now looks like I’ll get even more than last year. Also we Just happened to buy Mr Hunts house. I never met Mr hunt and Mr Hunt has passed now but was a master gardener and left my yard full of every kind of blooming flower and trees after building this house and living here since the early 60s. There is something always blooming and I discover new plants and flowers all the time coming up. I feel super lucky to live with all the flowers but probably need to learn more about them so I can keep them happy. I have zero experience with flowers as where we moved from for 30+ years in Ga we had deer and other wildlife making it impossible to even try. I did have a fenced in area for garden veggies and a really nice kitchen garden close to the house which I also shared with the critters on occasion.
I have bought cattle panel and 4 inch pressure treated poles and made walls for our climbing stuff.
We had a invasion of bamboo and cleared it out and made 6 raised beds.
My honey went way to crazy and it is a lot for 2 old farts

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