Ok here is my tale woe and my hitch. Took the boat into the place that installed the hitch. It gets complicated so I will try and be brief. Apparently on of the prongs was either broken off by the tech working on it or defect from the factory. The conveniently told me it was a factory defect.
They didn't know but they fk'ed with the wrong guy.....
Instantly my question.....The tech installing the hitch had to know the prong was missing right? Answer......ahhh yes.
Next question.....why didn't the tech advise the service advisor.....ahhhhh I don't know....
Next statement......so the tech not only didn't fix the problem he delivered me an unsafe vehicle!!! No answer.
My next statement......DO YOU KNOW HOW FK'ED YOU ARE?
After a bit of tap dancing on their part....I simply said this is what is gonna happen. I am taking this to the local Nissan Dealer and get this taken care of and you are paying for it.......
More tap dancing.......
I simply said.....either you do this or....I am stopping my credit card, then I am gonna take you to small claims court and sue for treble damages plus punitive damages as well.
I have an appointment on Tuesday.
Time for a beer.