And that's a maybe checking on my pie and signing off night misfits 

GW couldnt you just add a Video card? Should have a spot for it. I had to do that and the damn card works much better then the onboard piece of shit anyway.Happy June 28th! 58F @ 73% RH. gorgeous with 5 mph winds, and predicted to reach 71F.
Alas, Grayfox's video card died on her computer and is built in to the mother board, soooo I bought her another one like the HP that I recently bought. I hooked it up and await our webmaster sometime today to bring it online and transfer the data. He will also remove the hard drive from the old HP and install it as an auxiliary drive in the new one, so that she continues to have access to everything there. Over seven years old and almost never turned off, so she got good use out of it.
I also picked up some Caseron and contacted my neighbor about their invasive bamboo. As it turns out, they are trying to get rid of it too, so are being cooperative. The owner before them planted it against my best advice, saying that he had it contained in a planter.
Wow, the bees really don't like really how weather. Lots of them took to hanging around outside the hive box to stay cool.
Just grow the shrooms your self. Simple dimple.I once had the opportunity to try peyote, and I will tell you what that is some really neat stuff. Also makes you see neat stuff.I wish I knew where to get some more of it, I also recently learned that wild psychedelic mushrooms actually grow in Pennsylvania so next year I'm going shroom hunting.
Just put it in trunk, drive around capital building with gen motor running. My protest for high gas prices!